14 || park jimin!

89 7 0

"So, how'd it go?" Jimin and Taehyung froze in the middle of the living room

Jin was sitting at the kitchen counter, scrolling through his phone which he'd been using to pass the time. "It can't have gone horribly if you're back this late. You've been out for hours. It's eight o'clock!"

"Relax, hyung. We're sorry for being so late." Jimin apologized. "Nayeon and Taehyung wanted to check out the apartment."

"We also had to make sure the girls got back to JYP safely." Tae said.

Jin snorted. "You prefer apartment tours, new girls and JYP Entertainment over my cooking? I see how it is." His phone began ringing. Excusing himself, he left the room grumbling a loud 'what?' into the receiver.

The two late comers helped themselves to the leftovers sitting on the bench, settling down to eat. Jimin watched in disgust as Taehyung literally inhaled his food, gagging at the slurping and loud, open-mouthed chewing.

Revolted, he moved to the couch. "Here's a tip, buddy. Don't eat like a pig in front of your girlfriend and Jeongyeon. I have a hunch they mightn't appreciate it."

Taehyung wrinkled his upper lip. "Not cool, bro. And Nayeon isn't my girlfriend. She's my girl friend."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin turned back to his dinner. "You literally just said the same thing."

"No, there was a space!"

"You can't hear spaces, genius." Jimin finished his meal and walked back to the kitchen to wash his plate, flicking Taehyung on the forehead as he walked past. "But I'm being serious, dude. I swear I don't care about Jeongyeon's opinion, but I don't want to give her things to complain about." He sat on the counter.

Taehyung grinned slyly. "Are you sure you don't care about her opinion?"

"I'm sure, asshole. She's already whiny as fuck without you giving her a reason to whinge. Besides, I'm sure you want to make a good impression on Na-"

"Park Jimin!!"

Tae quirked an eyebrow. "Now where have I heard this before?"

Jin stormed back into the room, face contorted in anger. "I thought I raised you better than this! Honestly, you are such a disappointment sometimes."


"Being an angsty teenager is no excuse for abusing a female!"

Jimin held his hands up in defense. "Oi, I'm not an angsty teenager. And what the hell are you talking about? I haven't abused anyone!"

Scoffing, Jin waved his phone in the man's face. "Oh really? That's not what Dahyun said."

"Ooh, busted!"

Jin rubbed his temples "Be quiet Taehyung, now isn't the time. But seriously, Jimin, I thought I knocked the bad habits out of you years ago, when you were first dating Jeongyeon. According to my sister, there's bruises all over her arms."

"Okay, maybe I held her arm a little too tightly. But there weren't bruises all over her, I swear! It's not my fault her right forearm has weak capillaries." Jimin slumped over the counter, defeated.

"Still, you need to respect others, Jimin, regardless of past relationships and encounters." Jin gave the younger a stern look.

A loud buzz emitted from Jimin's phone, temporarily distracting the trio from their discussion. Jimin timidly reached for the device, groaning as looked at the ID.

"For fuck's sake..." He picked up.

"Park Jimin!!"

He clapped his hands over his ears as Taehyung fell off his stool wheezing, tears of mirth forming in his eyes. "I think I have a major case of Déjà vu..."

Shushing the younger, Jimin tentatively raised the phone up to his ear. "Yes?"

"First, you come to our dorms on a Sunday asking to kidnap Jeongyeon. Then, you essentially ignore her the entire time. And to top it all off, you leave her with a nasty reminder of your time together! You're really something, you know that?"

Jimin sighed. "Jihyo, please calm down-"

"I am calm!"

Taehyung snorted from the floor, earning a rough kick in the side from Jin.

"Look, Jihyo, you're the third person I've been yelled at by about this incident today. Please, just give me a break. I'll explain everything later. But I really, really need to sleep."

"Sleep? Bitch, it's eight thirty. You don't go to bed until midnight. Now listen up, buddy. You're going to-" Jimin promptly hung up.

"Ignore you until you get over it? Sounds great to me." He stuck his tongue out at Jihyo's contact photo.

Jin flicked Jimin in the forehead, scowling. "She's right about you being something else. And what this bullshit about needing sleep?" He received an indifferent shrug.

"Running away from your problems isn't the way to solve things, hyung." Taehyung spoke in a sing-song voice, still spread out over the kitchen tiles.


Holding up a finger, Jin shushed Jimin. "Tae has a point. You're lucky no one saw you out today. And Dispatch will have a fun time making up stories about the bruises on Jeongyeon's arm if they see them."

Jimin struggled to defend himself. Instead, her folded his arms and glared up at the eldest.

"You know what? Go to your room." Jin began clearing away the leftover food. "If you're going to behave like a toddler, I guess I'll have to treat you like one.

Flabbergasted, Jimin stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Taehyung began cackling.

"Fine!" Jimin stormed off, making sure kick various things around the room before he left.

"You can go too, Tae."

Taehyung sat up, confused. "Why? What did I do?"

"Absolutely nothing. Now leave."

Jin watched as Taehyung backed out of the room, closing his eyes in bliss.

Finally. Peace and quiet...

"Hi hyung!"

"Fuck you, Namjoon!"

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