Chapter 8: 7:00pm

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Louis's POV

I walk into English and wait for Harry. The classroom slowly fills up and there is no sign of him. The bell rings and he still isn't here. I turn to the front of the classroom and listen to the teacher drone on about Shakespeare. I wonder where he is. Maybe he is just running late. That's normal for him, right?

Ten minutes past, then fifteen, then thirty, and he still isn't here.

The bell rings to signal the end of the period and I pack up and leave. I slowly walk to my locker to get my stuff to go home. After a couple tries I finally get the combination right and open my locker. I'm shocked when a bunch of rose petals fall out and all over the floor. Beneath a small pile I see a little piece of paper. My heart skips a beat at the site of it and I quickly grab it and open it. It reads:

'Hey BooBear! Sorry for missing English :( I had a thing to do. But I'm going to make up for it and for being a dick to you all these years. Go home and get ready, I'll pick you up at 7:00pm. Hopefully after tonight you can forgive me.

-Harry <3'

My heart practically explodes as I read the letter again, making sure I read it right. What's he going to do? I quickly text Eleanor again; I'm definitively going to need her style advice.

'Hey El, fashion emergency!! Meet me at my house in ten?' I send and wait for her response.

'From El: Another one? I might as well move into your closet! Be there soon :*'

I breathe a sigh of relief and hurry home. Once I get there I rush up to my room and wait for Eleanor.

About five minutes later I hear a knock on my door, "come in," I say springing off my bed.

"So what's the occasion this time?" El asks. I hand her the note from Harry and watch her face light up as she reads it.

"Oh my god Lou!" She exclaims. We make eye contact and just look at each other. We don't have to say anything. Her being my best friend for almost 5 years, she knows exactly how I'm feeling. I've been praying for this to happen for as long as I can remember, and now it's actually happening.

Harry's POV

**Earlier that day at school**

The bell rings and instead of running to the cafeteria I run to my locker. I pull out the bag of rose petals and the note I wrote that morning. I bolt to the other side of the school to his locker. I'm out of breath by the time I reach it and lean against the wall to catch my breath. Once I've recovered, I pull the piece of paper out with his combination on it. I carefully put it in and open the locker. I rearrange his books and such so there is a small space on the bottom. A place his note on the bottom and cover it with the rose petals. I leave the corner uncovered so he is sure to see it. A throw the rest of the petals randomly in the locker not knowing what else to do with them.

After checking to make sure it looks perfect a gently close the locker and sigh with satisfaction. I look at the clock on the wall. Shit! I have four minutes to sneak out of the school before lunch is over. This is the only time the teachers aren't in the hallway. I run down the hall towards the front of the school and turn the corner. As I do I meet a body and crash into it. We both fall to the ground and moan.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," I say immediately looking up to see it's Zayn.

"Hey Harry. It's cool. Why aren't you at lunch?" He asks confused.

"I...uh...was just stopping by my locker. Forgot something for class." I lie. I don't want to tell him what I was really doing. I don't want him to think I'm one of those romantic, mushy types. Which I am but he doesn't need to know that.

"Oh okay. Well I'll see you later." He smiles and continues walking.

"Yeah see ya!" I rush towards the door being a little more careful. I make it out with being stopped, thank The Lord, and get to my car. I drive off to my house to get the stuff I bought for the date and then go to the park.

I pull into the parking lot of the park and sigh.

"This is the day I win my BooBear back," I say out loud confidently. I climb out of the car and start working. This has to be absolutely perfect.

Eleanor's POV

((Whoop whoop! El's POV. Yay! One thing I'm really bad at is describing clothing so I won't ever really be able to say exactly what they wear. Just assume they look hot, which they always do, and use your imagination to picture what they are wearing. But enough of my rambling, here's the rest of the chapter))

I look up and down at my piece of work. And of course yet again, he looks stunning! I nod at him and turn him to look in the mirror. He gasps and looks at my through the mirror, "I look perfect, not trying to be conceited but, I just look amazing. What would I do without you?"

"You'd be a hot mess," I joke. Obviously I don't mean it. Lou is one of those guys that really looks good no matter what he looks like. Somehow he pulls off everything. I'm kind of jealous.

I hear the doorbell and it brings me out of my daze. He's right on time, I think looking at my clock. It's 7:00pm sharp.

"He's here!" Louis says half panicked, half excited.

"Go get your man Boo! I'll stay here and wait for you to get home." I say assuring him. He looks at me with thankful eyes and runs out of the room.

This sounds corny but I start to tear up as I hear the door open, "My little Lou is growing up," I say softly. And I sit on the bed and wait. Praying everything goes perfectly.

Louis's POV

I run down the stairs and to the front door. I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. My voice hitches as I see the angel standing in the doorway.

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