Chapter 18 Part Two: Another Trip to the Hospital

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Harry's POV

Beeping. A slow, constant beeping is all I can hear. My head hurts really bad. So does the rest of my body. I try to open my eyes but my body isn't cooperating. I eventually get them open but instantly snap them shut. The bright, white lights are too much. I open them again, this time slower and manage to keep them open.

I'm sitting in a hospital bed in a dull, boring, white room. The beeping noise is the machine that tracks my heart beat. I go to sit up but my head starts to spin so I fall back down to the bed.

I notice that my arm is in a cast and I have bandages all over my body. Those guys really messed me up. The very last thing I notice is the body slumped over the side of the bed. It's Louis. He is facing me so I can see that he is sleeping, snoring very softly. I brush the hair out of his eyes and just admire him. He is just so beautiful, in every way. I hope we aren't over. I can't stand not seeing his face everyday.

There's a knock on the door and I see I nurse walk in.

"Hey sleepy head. How you feeling?" She asks walking towards me. I just shrug my shoulders, bad idea. The pain shoots through my back like a bolt of lightning.

"Like a piece of crap. My body hurts everywhere," I say honestly. She nods her head.

"I imagine so. You have a broken arm, three broken ribs, and internal bleeding in your stomach. Along with all the cuts and bruises all over your body," she says. I'm shocked at the numerous problems. The guy really, really messed me up.

"I'm just hear to give you your medicine. The doctor will be back in a couple hours to do another round of tests," I nod my head and take the pills from her. She hands me a glass of water and I swallow all five pills. I hope they help.

"Thanks," I say handing back the now empty glass. She nods and heads towards the door.

"If you need anything just press the button on the side of the bed. Myself or any other available nurse will be here to help," I nod and smile at her. She leaves and the door closes rather loudly. Loud enough that it wakes Louis up.

He springs up and looks around the room panicked but relaxes when he sees me.

"Oh Hazza are you okay?" He says filled with guilt and sorrow.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Just sore," I say quietly looking down. I guess I don't know how to act around him. I don't know what we are, if anything.

"Harry about what I said at school, just forget it. I didn't mean it. I completely understand what you are going through and I know you didn't mean it the way I thought you did," he says almost begging me, "I was just stressed and angry and I let it out through you. I'm so sorry."

"No I should be sorry. No matter what I was going through I shouldn't have said that. Especially because I didn't mean it. I mean yeah my life socially isn't as perfect as it was before but now I have, well had, a boyfriend that made it all worth it," I say sending him a small smile before looking back down in my lap.

"What do you mean you had a boyfriend?" He asks getting sad, "are we over?" I look up to see his eyes filling with tears.

"I don't know. I assumed after the fight that we were," I say honestly. I really don't know. It scares me that I don't.

"I don't want to end it. I don't think I'd be able to survive if we did end it," he says quietly breaking our eye contact.

"Yeah me neither. So we are okay?" I asks shyly. Hoping, praying that everything is okay. He nods his head. I smile at him and hold my arms out. He immediately shoots at me and wraps his arms around my torso. I pull him in closer and hide my face in his hair, ignoring the pain going throughout my body.

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