Author's Note Two

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Hello you guys. I hope you loved the last chapter. I think it was pretty good but my opinion doesn't matter, it's what you guys think that counts. So please please comment on this and tell me what you think. If there's anything I need to fix/improve upon in the next story please tell me.

Speaking of the next story, I'm going to start on the cover and synopsis today and have it up. Look for it under my works so you can add it to your library ;) aha.

It's called "What Does Forever Mean to You?" And I think it will be absoLoutely (aha see what I did there) fantabuLouis (aha and right there)!! But I love you guys so much and thank you to all that read my story. This story has had so many more reads and positive critiques than I ever thought I'd get.

Also, I just started a Drarry (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy) fanfiction and the first chapter is up. If you are interested please check it out. I'm really proud of how successful this book was and I hope my Drarry can have similar success! Love you all!

When I Said Forever, I Meant It (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now