Chapter 5: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

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Harry's POV

"Harr-" Louis starts to say before he faints. Great he's so disgusted he has to black out.

I lay him on the couch and go to get a wet cloth to put on his head. Hopefully it will wake him up faster.

About ten minutes later he starts to stir. Those perfect blue orbs flutter open and dart all around the room.

"Where am I?!" He says scared. He looks at me and breathes a sigh of relief. I just smile at him.

We sit there in silence before I decide to say something, "So...?"

"What?" He asks confused.

"I just completely poured my heart out to you and all you say is what?" I say trying to not let the pain show in my voice.

His eyes light up with remembrance of what happened before we blacked out. "Harry..." He says quietly. I knew it. He doesn't feel the same way. He hates me.

Well he should. I don't deserve for him to love me.

I look down so he can't see the tears forming in my eyes. I feel hand cup my cheek and look up. Our eyes connect and I can't read them at all. Not that I try very hard, it's hard to not get lost in the ocean of blue-grey.

"Please say something," I finally say,"anything. Whether I want to hear it or not."

"You left. You completely shattered me and my heart. Then you never came back. You left me broken for four years..." he says and just know where this is heading. I prepare myself to hear the words telling me he hates me.

"And you did all this to me and I know I have every right to hate you. But somehow I don't," my breath hitches as I hear the words come out,"somehow even after all this time I'm still just as, if not more, in love with you as I was before you left."

My eyes erupt with happiness as he says he loves me.

"You really still love me...?" I ask making sure I heard right.

"How could I not love my HazzaBear?" caressing my face. I lean into the touch I've been missing for so long.

I hear a phone buzz and he pulls his hand away. I see him take his phone out and sigh.

"Eleanor needs me to hurry up. She has something to do." he says disappointed. He stands and walks to the door. I have no clue what to do.

I follow him and panic as he nears the door. On impulse I grab him by the arm and spin him around causing our bodies to crash together. Since I'm slightly taller I have look down. He looks up and now our lips are just an inch apart.

I feel his warm breath wash over my face and my body shivers. We slowly lean in making our lips almost connect when there is a knock at the door. Really?! Who could possibly be knocking.

He opens the door Eleanor is revealed.

"Sorry El, we just got.....caught up." he says looking back at me. I chuckle a little.

"I'll text you later Haz," he says and walks out with Eleanor. I smile at my nickname. It sounds so right hearing him saying it again. Maybe this can work.....

Louis's POV

El and I walk to her car and get in. Once we pull out of the driveway we head to my house. After a while he breaks the silence,"So....what happened?"

I debate whether to tell her or not. I'm not even really sure what to say. What exactly did happen? We said how we felt but that's it. What if he doesn't want people to know?

I decide it's better to not saying anything yet, "Oh nothing much. He just apologised for what he did in PE the other day." I think that was convincing.

"Really that's it...? He had you come over for just that. He really is a prick!" She says, a hint of anger in her voice.

I immediately come to his defence,"Well at least he apologised for something."

She just sighs and we finish the car ride in silence.

When we get to my house a go to get out and pause,"What do you have to do all of a sudden anyway?" I ask realising she never told me.

"I have a date..," she says quietly.

"A date? With who?" I say confused. Not that she can't get a date, she just never mentioned anyone.

"Niall..." She sues quickly and looks at me. My jaw drops. Niall Horan ask her out. I definitely didn't see that one coming.

"Are you serious? Congrats." I say happily.

"Thanks. I gotta go get ready." I realise we've been sitting there for a while.

"Oh yeah sorry. Text me how it goes okay? I love you El." I climb out of the car and run to the house. She drives away and I'm left on the porch.

I guess this was a pretty good day for both of us. My phone buzzes so I pull it out of my back pocket. I smile at the message on the screen.

'From Hazza: Sorry I couldn't wait for you to text me.'

I chuckle quickly and start to respond,

'Haha <3 I'm actually happy you texted me first'

We text back and forth about random stuff. Neither of us bringing up what happened. I decided that I'd let him bring it up. And he finally does:

'From Hazza: What are we?'

That's all he says. I hesitate in responding, but finally do.

'What do you want us to be?'

I anxiously wait for him to respond. After what seems like a year or two he finally does,

'From Hazza: I want us to be together, but I don't think I deserve you.'

He said he wants to be with me. My whole body goes numb and I feel like I'm on cloud nine. After all this time of sitting and waiting and wishing, my wish has finally come true.

'Why wouldn't you deserve me?' I ask

'From Hazza: Because I was a complete jackass and jackasses don't deserve perfection'

My eyes begin to water at his words. Before I can start crying my phone buzzes again.

'From Hazza: But maybe I could make it up to you. Meet me at my table tomorrow morning before school?'

Oh gosh. What is he going to do?

'Ok I'll be there. See you tomorrow :)'

I respond then head up to take a shower before going to bed.

Tomorrow might be the first day I'll enjoy going to school....

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