Chapter 15: Hospital Bed Confessions

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((Mmkay so before I give you guys the next chapter just wanted to update y'all that I changed the name of the story. It's now going to be "What Does Forever Mean to You?" I was sitting around writing and such and thought of this. Is it better or worse than the last title? It might change again who knows. Anyway enough of my rambling. Next chaptah!!!))

Louis's POV

It's been a couple hours since Liam fell asleep, and Harry and I are sitting in the hospital cafeteria. Zayn is still there by his bed just staring at him. He hasn't moved a muscle since Liam fell asleep. I think Zayn might have feelings for Liam but I don't know. They have always been really close so it might just be that Zayn is worried about his best friend. I hope it isn't just that it would crush Liam. Just like Harry's reaction when I told him. That day crushed me.

"You okay babe?" Harry asks me. I look up from my horrible cup of coffee and into his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just worried about Liam and his thing with Zayn. I'm afraid Zayn doesn't feel the same way and I don't want Liam to get hurt." I say quietly looking back down at the steamy cup of brown water.

"I was thinking about that. I just don't know. I mean Zayn very well could be in love with Liam. But at the same time he could not. I don't know what Liam will do if he doesn't." He says agreeing with me.

"Liam has just gone through so much the past couple days I just want something to go his way just once. Just so he can feel happy again." I say sadly. I can't imagine he's been very happy the past few years, holding in his big secret. I know I wasn't.

"Yeah...let's just hope for the best. I'm sure Zayn wi-" Harry is cut off mid sentence.

"What about me?" Zayn asks arriving next to us. He sits down in a chair and flickers his eyes between us wanting to know what we were talking about.

"Oh nothing. We were just talking about Liam getting better. I was gonna say that I was sure you'd come tell us if he woke up," Harry says quickly, I can't tell he's lying.

"Oh okay," Zayn says believing Harry, "well the doctors had to run some tests so they made me leave. They said I could go back in like 20 minutes."

I nod and study Zayn's face. He looks completely heartbroken right now. Is it because of Liam, or is something else going on?

"Are you okay Zayn?" I ask concerned, "you look...not yourself." He looks at me wiping the pained face off.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just tired. Stressing over Liam. You know he's the best player on the football team. I don't think he's gonna be able to play for awhile. I don't know if we will win any games without him," he says nervously and standing up quickly.

"I-I'm gonna go home and shower and stuff. I-I'll be back in like an hour. If Liam wakes up tell him I'll be back soon." He says and rushes towards the exit.

"Well that was weird..." Harry says pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah. I wonder what's up..." I say quietly. We sit there in silence for about fifteen minutes then decide we should go check on Liam. When we get to the room he's still sound asleep so we sit down in the chairs in the corner of the room. I must be more tired than I thought because I slowly drift off into slumber.

Liam's POV

I wake up and find myself still sitting in the hospital. The bright lights almost blind me and the room seems to be spinning. Slowly it comes into focus and I see Louis asleep in a chair with Harry looking at him. They are so darn cute together.

I don't know how long I was asleep but it must've been awhile because its dark outside now. I sit up in my bed and my head starts hurting. Bad idea. I fall back onto the bed.

When I Said Forever, I Meant It (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now