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Author's pov

Gryffindor common room

Boy's dormitory

"This essay is so annoying" Huffed Seamus messing his hair. "Snape's giving loads of work"

"Yeah mate, tell me about it" Said dean dipping his quill into the ink.

"Neville, help me with this" said Seamus.

"What? I didn't even attend the class. He scares me that guy" Said Neville and shivered.

Seamus chuckled.

"Harry, ron have you completed the essay snape gave us?" Asked dean looking at Harry and ron who were currently playing wizards chess peacefully.

Harry looked up from the game and nodded his head. " 'Mione didn't let us breath until we complete it. Now I understand that's a good thing "

"She did a better thing. Your one lucky bloke ron" Smirked dean.

Ron who wasn't even listening to all of this was so indulged into the game.

"Check!" Ron let out a triumph laugh brightly.

"Argh! One.. I didn't even win one freaking game. I'm done!" Said Harry getting up from ron's bed.

Ron still laughing proudly.

"I'm done too!" Shouted Seamus exasperated.

"But.. It's due tomorrow Seamus" Said dean.

" Detention is a lot better than writing these whole bullshit" Said Seamus.

Dean agreed and closed his notes too.
"What shall we do then?"

"Quidditch?" Suggested harry.

"It's too darn hot out there" Said Ron.

"Yea.. We could play muggles game if you're interested" Said dean with a wicked smile.

"What is it?" Asked Seamus.

"Truth or dare, you've got to choose one and act upon it.. Simple" He said.

"Yeah I know this one" Nodded harry. "I'm in".

" Me too" Said Seamus.

"Count me in" Said Ron joining the group.

"Neville?" Asked dean.

"Umm.. I've got this herbology essay.. "

"Oh cut the crap and join us!" Shouted Seamus.

Neville immediately ran to the awaiting group.
"So, who goes first?"

"Ron" Said harry grinning sheepishly.

"What? Why me?" Protested ron.

"Come on Ron dont be a baby" Laughed dean.

"What.. Fine!" Said Ron crossing his arms. "Dare!"

They smirked and formed a group to think of a dare for ron.

"Okay now don't have to make a big deal out of it" Huffed Ron.

"Ron.. You have to.. " Said Seamus between his uncontrollable laughter.

Harry helped to complete his sentence.
"You have to write a love letter to Professor McGonagall and send it through pig so it reaches to her by dinner in great hall" He laughed so hard.

Seamus was rolling on the floor laughing after seeing ron's gobsmacked white face.

Neville couldn't help it too. "That's cruel guys" Everyone ignored him.

"Bloody hell! I can't do that" He shouted perking up from his bed.

"You should Ron! It's a dare" Said dean.

They started thier rants continuously until Ron shouted. "Fine! I'm doing it. But I'm going to kill you all"

He angrily tore a paper dipped his quill into the ink letting some fall onto the ground and started writing.

"Now it's your turn harry" Said dean.

Harry was still grinning at ron's annoyance "me? Okay.. Dare" He shrugged.

"Ron, you wanna join for a payback" Smirked seamus.

"I'm busy!" He shouted with frustration.

"Okay.. Come on Dean, Neville time for a dare for the boy who lived" Said Seamus grinning evilly.

This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction
Hinny is my favorite ship. I love writing there fanfic. Please do support me🥰

Thank you for reading ☺

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