Chapter 7: The Green Note

Start from the beginning

She wasn't angry at him for letting her fall. Rather, she was absolutely frustrated that the bicycle wouldn't cooperate with her.

"Why is this so hard?" Ye Jin huffed in frustration.

"You'll get it slowly, Jinnie. Let's just keep trying. But let me teach you how to brake properly first." Hyun Bin tucked her stray hair behind her ears.

The couple exchanged a soft smile before Hyun Bin stood up. Helping Ye Jin to her feet, Hyun Bin instinctively dusted the dirt off her knees before picking the bicycle off the ground.

Patiently, the high schooler began to teach Ye Jin the proper mechanics to work the bicycle. Soon enough, they were off on their cycling journey once again.

This time, Ye Jin was starting to get the hang of cycling and found that she was better at controlling the bicycle. Amidst the occasional screams and near-crash incidents, Ye Jin emerged victorious with a wide smile on her face when she could finally cycle side by side with her boyfriend.

For the rest of the morning till the late afternoon, the couple cycled together, laughing and enjoying the scenic beach view beside them.

Hyun Bin would often glance over at Ye Jin and admire the way the sun brought out her radiant beauty effortlessly. He felt unbelievably lucky to be her boyfriend and there were no doubts that his feelings for her were intensifying by the day.

As for Ye Jin, although she kept her eyes on the road ahead, her heart felt warmed by security and love, knowing that Hyun Bin was right there next to her.

After lunch, the couple took a walk on the beach together, occasionally kicking sand at each other before they took a dip in the warm salty waters of the ocean. Their day was all smiles and laughter as they made new memories together.

Nearing nighttime, the couple decided to climb on some breakwaters to watch the sunset together. Hyun Bin climbed up the rather dangerous rocky path first so that he could pull Ye Jin up the breakwaters. 

After some pulling while Hyun Bin told Ye Jin exactly where to step, the couple were finally standing on the breakwaters overlooking the beach.

Up on the breakwaters, the view was absolutely breathtaking. The sand looked whiter than gold from their perspective and the darkening blue skies with their rolling white clouds gave off a certain calmness.

Sitting down side by side with their feet in front of them, the childhood sweethearts turned lovers watched the waves crash against the breakwater before rolling back into the ocean. 

They were almost in a trance as they stared off into the distance, enjoying the way the waves would grow in size and how they glistened when the sun hits the surface.

Ye Jin decided to take out the camera from Hyun Bin's backpack then to take some photos of the scenic view. That only lasted momentarily for she directed her attention to them instead. 

Progressively, she started taking snapshots of their feet against nature's backdrop before she decided to take a photo of her boyfriend. It was Hyun Bin's bright idea to take a photo of the two of them right as the sun started setting behind them.

Past their mini photo-taking session, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin basked in the last remnants of warmth from the sky as the sunset cast various hues of orange, pink, and purple around them. They stretched far and wide, the colours becoming more unique and muted the more the day parted to welcome the velvety black of the night sky.

The sunset was majestic and brilliant in its own rights, a sign that another day was coming to a close. Ye Jin leaned her head lightly on Hyun Bin's shoulder as they continued watching the sunset, sighing softly from the wafts of peacefulness drifting before them.

Nothing was as soothing as being with the person you love, watching the sunset together with the gentle sounds of crashing waves singing its own melodic tunes in the background.

"Isn't it crazy how fast the night changes?" Ye Jin chuckled softly.

"It is, isn't it?" Hyun Bin laughed softly as well.

"But I have no regrets." Ye Jin peered up at her charming boyfriend.

"None at all." Hyun Bin spoke softly, his eyes unwaveringly gentle, mirroring the love Ye Jin had in her eyes.

And indeed, regret may happen numerous times in their lifetime. But, the one thing they would never regret was taking this leap of faith together. 

Times were changing for the new couple, but the past has proven that love was a powerful force to be reckoned with. With what the heavens had in store for them, it was time for their love to be tested.

Only the strongest would survive. 

☼ ☼ ☼


Hello lovelies, the summer continues for our lovely childhood sweethearts! This whole chapter is especially close to my heart because it's based on a true story🥰 Hope everyone enjoyed this short update! This is also one of my entries for #SonHyunDay since it's rather apt that a summer-themed fan event coincides with the setting of MMH. Here's to more sweet little moments between Ye Jin and Hyun Bin😍

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