Authors Note

751 22 3

Hey yall.

I'd like to start by saying thank you so much to all of you that have read, voted, and added to your reading lists.

I started Love Of My Life mid-march on a whim because of an idea that hit me in the middle of my Algebra class.

Then, my spring break got extended another week due to a natural disaster that hit my hometown. During those two weeks, I cranked out the first twenty-five chapters, working non-stop. When I went back to school, chapters started coming out a bit slower but I was still dedicated to finishing this story that I had poured my heart and soul into.

I absolutely love how this story came out and I'm so happy how the plot turned out and how Lucius and Salem's love story came together.

However, I have just a few things to clarify


1) I made Lucius a half-blood because I felt that it really added a greater backstory to his mother, showed a great irony because of his supremacist thoughts, and explained why the Dark Lord had such mixed feelings towards Lucius.

2) Lucius was so cold to Draco as a boy because that was how he was brought up by his father. He saw it as tough love because that's what Abraxas covered toxicity up as.

3) After hours of research, I could not find anything on Lucius's mother so I really got to mess around and shape her the way I wanted other people to see her.

4) Abraxas and Lucius were perfect examples of the expression 'like father like son'. Because just like Lucius, Abraxas met the right woman and didn't care about the countless years of being lectured on blood purity. However, the dark lord believed in pure-blood supremacy the most and couldn't bear to see another one of the sacred twenty-eight be 'corrupted' because of a marriage. When Medila was murdered, he convinced Abraxas that Lucius's half status was a disgrace and the only way that he would let Lucius live was to join him.

5)Even after the countless things that Narcissa put Salem through, she still always let her win. She gave Lucy up after graduation, waited for Lucius to give her the green light before they did anything again, and never retaliated against her for the pain that she put her through.

6)Yes. Salem and Lucius got a late start in life. I mean, their child was going to school with their grandchild for God's sake. But they didn't care, they were happy and age does not define happiness.

Thank you all so much for the love that this story is getting.

I love you all.

*Metaphorical air kisses:)*

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