Chapter Twenty Two: Your Savior

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Salem sat in the library with Mas, reading up on a potion that she and Lucius were doing a project on. She had a free period so it was just her and a mix of 6th, 3rd, and 1st years in the library.

As she flips the page on polyjuice potion an owl flies through one of the openings in the ceiling. She recognizes it as her mother's owl and smiles as it lands next to her. "Accio water." She waves her wand and a small bowl of water appears for the tired owl. 

She unties the letter on the owl's legs and unseals the envelope.

Dear Salem,

I was wondering if you'd like to come home this weekend. It's terribly boring without you here and we miss you dearly. I know you're studying for your end-of-the-year exams but I would love to see my daughter.

Write back and tell me if you can make it.



Salem smiles as she quickly writes up a letter telling her mother that she'll be home this weekend.

"Boo," Lucius says as he takes a seat next to her. "I know I scare easily but I don't scare that easily." She laughs. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you had charms." She asks as she sends the owl off with her letter. "I did." He tells her with a suspicious look on his face. "Until what?" She raises an eyebrow.

He mumbles something under his breath so Salem wouldn't be able to hear him. 

"What?" She asks. "I may have set James Potter on fire because his group was picking on Severus." He says, making Salem laugh. "Well, I hope you got the rest of them as well." She tells him. "Oh, I did. Sirius Black screams like a girl." The two burst into a fit of laughter.

"Excuse me?! If you haven't realized already, libraries are meant to be kept quiet." the librarian scolds them. "Sorry, Madam Prince," Salem tells the woman as she leaves the two once again. They look back at each other once again and cover their mouths to keep from laughing.

"Oh, what time is it?" He asks. "5:45, why?" She asks as she looks at her watch. "Quidditch practice. I'll see you later." He says as he gives her a quick kiss and runs off.

She studies in the library for another thirty minutes before getting up to leave. "Come on." She motions for Mas as she picks up her books.

There were a few people in the halls but most were in the common rooms, dinner, or at quidditch practice. 

She took a turn down an empty hallway with Mas trotting by her side. Suddenly, she felt her back connect with the wall.

"What the fuck!" Salem opens her eyes to find Narcissa Black in front of her with her wand pressed to her neck. 

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop seeing Malfoy." She tried to act intimidating but it wasn't working. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll back off the fire whiskey," Salem says as the scent of alcohol radiates off of Narcissa.

"You insolent little-"

"Narcissa!" Lucius's voice snarls. 

The two girls look down the hallway to find Lucius in his quidditch gear. "Oh look, if it isn't your savior." Narcissa cockily says as she presses the wand harder into Salem's neck. 

"Remove your wand from her neck before you get hurt." Lucius seethes.

"What is your pathetic half-breed going to do to me?" She laughs. "I'm not talking about Salem." He says behind clenched teeth. She swallows a lump in her throat and backs off of Salem.

 "Now go before I change my mind." He says before Narcissa quickly walks away, mumbling something under her breath.

Salem rubs at her neck where she had her wand pressed to. 

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" He frantically asks as he kisses her forehead. "No, I'm fine, she was drunk and was just acting on anger." She tells him as she picks Mas up and carries her through the common room door. 

"It doesn't matter. She shouldn't have laid a hand on you." He says. "Lucius, I'm okay." She says as the two go to his room.

"If she had hurt me then she wouldn't have an eye that wasn't blackened."She tells him as she jumps onto his bed. "I know you can handle yourself." He kisses her before pulling his quidditch gear off.

"Do you want to go to dinner with the others?" he asks as he faces away from her while pulling his shirt off. "Oh, there's only one thing I want to eat tonight." She says in a cheesy, flirtatious tone while she tries to keep from laughing. 

He turns around with a smirk on his face to find that Salem had the same expression as him.

"Darling, I'm thinking the exact same thing." He says as he waves his wand, suddenly removing her clothes, rendering her completely naked. She gasps as he suddenly dives onto the bed, blowing out the candles that lit the room.

Salem straddles his waist, interlacing her tongue with his. She grinds her waist on his as they kiss, which made him moan. 

He goes to flip her over when the two suddenly fall off the bed at onto the wooden floor.

They both lay on the floor, wholeheartedly, cackling at their situation. 

Laughter filled the room as the moonlight flowed in and landed on the couples smiling faces.....

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