Chapter Eighteen: Perfectly Good Spy

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She screamed as she suddenly was overtaken by the sensation of the inside of her body liquidating. 

She screamed as she felt inevitable death creeping up on her. "Please." She pleaded as she reached her hand out, too weak to run.

The taste of blood began to build in the back of her mouth and she knew that she wasn't long for this world.

She felt her insides turning inside out as the curse continued to torture her with no signs of stopping.

As soon as she was about to blackout, the death eater lets off of the curse and she collapses, able to breathe properly again.

 Two of them grab her by each arm and haul her back towards the manor. She tries to kick out of their grip but it was no use, she was too weak from the torture and they were much larger than her, to begin with.


Lucius stood before the dark lord with the rest of the death eaters as he fought back tears. 

"If there really is a Merlin out there, please protect Salem." He thinks as the rest of them pull off their masks.

"Forgive me my lord but I didn't know you'd be arriving today," Abraxas says, practically shaking out of fear. "Silence Malfoy." The dark lord snaps at him. 

"I came for the minister. I figured you of all people would know that sneak attacks are more effective," he says as Abraxas hangs his head in shame, confusing Lucius by what he meant.

"My lord." Two other death eaters say as they enter the room. "I hope you brought me what I sent you for." He says with a bone-chilling tone. 

"The minister's High Order Aurors got him out before we could get to him." They tell him with fear of what he would do to them. 

"I assume you do know the futility of your direction?" He asks as he clicks his tongue in disapproval.

Lucius hears the sinister sound of Bellatrix's evil giggle and he shudders.


"Wait!" The two say, just in time to save their lives. "We have brought you something in place. One of the Minister's future highest order Aurors." They say as Lucius's heart drops and his face goes pale.

They throw Salem out before the group of people, bloodied, bruised, and to appear as if she had been tortured. Lucius goes to dive for her when Abraxas puts the Imperio curse on him, enabling him the ability to move. 

"Don't do something stupid." He snarls under his breath to his son

Lucius watches her as she looks up at him and Severus, side by side with the expression of pure and utter betrayal across her face. 

"Lucius? Severus?" She weakly chokes out.

"Ah, a future Auror." he says as he runs his hand over her face and jerks it upward. "Abraxas, who is she and why is she here?" he asks as he drops her to the floor once more. 

"L- Lucius's lover, my lord." Abraxas stutters.

Bellatrix gives Lucius a side-eye as if she was telling him 'We'll talk later.

"Ah, Lucius. I thought better of you. You know love is a weakness." He spats with anger towards the terrified boy.

"Mudblood?" The dark lord asks Abraxas. "Pureblood, Slytherin," Abraxas tells him.

Salem's heartbeat speeds up increasingly faster knowing that they were lying to Voldemort about her blood status.

"If you're gonna kill me, just put me out of my misery quickly." She chokes up, clearly in agonizing pain. 

"Oh no, darling. Every spilled drop of magical blood is a waste." He tells her as he waves his wand and her body levitates in the middle of the circle.

"But it would be a shame to just waste a perfectly good spy," he says as she feels everyone's eyes on her. 

She hated it.

"And especially someone that fits our standards so well...." He trails off as everyone lets out a sinister-sounding chuckle. 

Severus knew he couldn't help his best friend without getting himself killed, so he turned his head, not wanting to see what came next.

Salem saw Severus turn his head, and she looked up at Lucius with her face twisted in fear and confusion.

Her questions were answered when she felt a horrid stabbing pain in her forearm...

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