Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Trial

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The next morning, Salem awoke in one of the Malfoy guest rooms to the sound of a fire crackling. She quickly got up and walked over to the bathroom, taking in the size of the room. 

One of their guest rooms was as big as her kitchen at home; she wondered what the master bedroom looked like.

She took a quick shower before transfiguring her ball gown into normal clothes. She put on a blue blouse, black jeans, and black ankle boots. She used magic to dry her hair and put on a small bit of makeup before throwing on her cloak.

She went downstairs, solely relying on her memory of the house from when she was eighteen to get to the dining room. Ending up in the library, she knew that she was lost and sighed.

"Miss Sioux." A lively elf speaks. "Oh, hello Livy." She says, remembering the elf from when she used to visit the Manor with Lucius. "You seem to be lost. Would you like me to show you where Master Malfoy is?" She asks. "Yes please," Salem says before following the elf.

She followed the elf out of the library and into the massive dining room.

"Ah, darling, you're awake. Merry Christmas" He says with a genuine smile. "Merry Christmas Lucy. I would have been down sooner but I got lost." She giggles as she takes a seat across the table from him. "Well that's quite alright, are you hungry?" he asks. "Not particularly but I could go for coffee." She says making Lucius let out a low chuckle, knowing she still had an obsession for the drink.

As the elf comes back and hands her the warm mug, the two are met with a grumpy-looking Draco. Salem almost laughed, due to the fact that he looked exactly like Lucius did when she used to wake him for early morning quidditch.

"What's wrong with you?" Lucius asks as he sets his cup of water down. "Astoria kept me up for half the night and I'm rather hungover." He mutters as he begins to shovel food into his mouth. "Did I say you could have someone spend the night?" He asks. "Relax, she apparated out an hour ago. And besides, it looks like you had someone over as well." Draco says as Salem bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. 

Lucius rolls his eyes before responding to his smart-ass son.

"When are you going back to Hogwarts?" He asks. "After I sleep this off," Draco says as he stands up and pushes his chair in. "Alright, you two have fun. Not too much fun though." Draco laughs as he walks back upstairs.

Lucius waves his wand, shooting Draco directly in the arse with a blast of light. He yelps before running up the stairs faster now.

"Are you sure Narcissa contributed to the child? Because that boy is literally you to a T, at eighteen just with short hair." Salem laughs. "It's exhausting, I don't know how my father put up with me." He laughs.

The two talk for a little while longer, sharing stories, catching up, and just enjoying each other's company. He had longed for so many years to be in her presence and now that he was, happiness swelled in his heart that he couldn't begin to explain.

"I need to go, I have a few trials tonight at work." She tells him as he sees her to the door. "What could they possibly need you for?" He pouts. "I'm Barty's right-hand man during trials, I make most of the decisions and these are big ones so I can't miss it." She tells him. "I think Barty Crouch can go one trial without you." He chuckles.

"Lucy, I have to go." She plays with a hint of sternness in her voice. "Fine, but will I be able to see you again?" He asks. "Of course. Write to me and I'll be back." She says before gently kissing him once more.

She then steps out of the house and apparates, leaving Lucius smiling like some dewy-eyed schoolgirl. 

He lets out a contempt sigh before going back into the manor.

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