Chapter Twenty-Eight: Family Affair

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May 15th

Lucius suddenly felt pressure on his waist, waking him out of deep sleep. 

"Happy birthday," Salem says as she kisses him while straddling his waist. "Well, that's a pretty nice way of being woken up." He smiles as she continues to kiss him. 

"I figured that since It's your birthday, anything you want to do I will say yes to." She says, making him smile at how cute she was. "But only for today." She tries to say sternly but ended up failing miserably by smiling.

"Anything? Even this early in the morning?" He asks with a flirtatious smirk while he runs his index finger over her collarbone, sending shivers down her spine. 

"Even taking a detention for being late." She giggles as he flips her over. "Well happy birthday to me." He says before he begins kissing her neck, making her giggle in excitement.


Charms Class

After Salem saying yes to Lucius all morning, she shifted in her seat to relieve the stinging pain on her arse. She hears him lowy chuckle at her pain from the seat behind her.

"Asshole." She mouths to him as he winks, making her giggle. 

"What? Did you let him whip you?" Andromeda asks, making Salem quietly laugh. "Andromeda!" She whisper yells as professor Flitwick continues the lecture.

"You're not denying it." She playfully raises an eyebrow at her. "No, I did not... never mind," Salem tells her, refusing to say it.

"As you all may know, your last final exam will be in two days. Instead of a separate exam for each class, we have all decided on one final challenge to score you all on." Professor Flitwick tells the class, knocking Salem out of her conversation with Andromeda.

"All of us professors have decided that it would be best to take pity on you all since this has been such a tough year with You-Know-Who's reign of terror." The students all listen attentively. 

"Your final exam will be a parchment on the Patronus charm and what you personally need to do to produce it. You must also present proof that you can produce it." He tells them all as groans erupt from all sides of the room.

"Alright, that's enough. That's enough" He says as the room becomes silent once more. "Now, flip your pages to 456. Coincidentally, the lesson is the Patronus charm." He says as the class goes back to normal after his announcement.

After class, Lucius insisted on walking her to Transfiguration even though he had Defense Against The Dark Arts.

"Severus and I wanted to ride our brooms into London. Maybe get a few drinks and mess with some muggles. You in?" He asks her with a hopeful expression. 

"Of course." She kisses his cheek before they part ways and she goes into Transfiguration. 

Salem quickly realizes that only one seat was left and it was next to Narcissa.

"Oh look who it is. Miss save the day." Narcissa mocks as she takes her seat. "Well if it isn't miss fry my hair with dye." Salem takes a dig at the black and white strips in her hair.

"God I wish that death eater had aimed higher." She scoffs. "Oh, I bet you would. Given that it was your sister." Salem rolls her eyes as she pulls out her textbook. 

"What? Andromeda would never lay a hand on you." Narcissa almost laughs. "Black, stop playing dumb. You knew Bella was there. I wouldn't be surprised if you even sent her after me." Salem angrily says.

"Bella was there?" She asks with numbness in her voice.

It then hits Salem that she didn't know about Bellatrix's occupation. She didn't like Narcissa, even a bit but nobody deserved to find out that their sibling would stoop that low.

"Um, I-"

"Forget it." She quickly snaps at Salem before burying her nose in a nearby textbook.

Once the class ended, Narcissa got up very hastily and grabbed Andromeda by the arm, hurrying out.

Salem walked towards the Slytherin common room, feeling guilty for letting it slip about Bellatrix. 

She passes a dark hallway, hearing Narcissa and Andromeda talking in the process.

"Why would anything that Bella does concern me? I believe you were the ones that disowned me from the family.

I don't give a fuck about disowning. You are still my sister and so is Bella.

Really? Because it didn't sound like that when you ratted me out about Ted to mother and father.

Please Drom. You know how manipulative Tom is. She could be in trouble." The voices go back and forth. She then heard a snapping sound and assumed it was Andromeda pulling her hand from Narcissa's grip.

The sound of heels clicking confirmed that she had gotten away from Narcissa and Salem quickly began to walk again, not wanting to get in the middle of a family affair.

"Hey stranger," Andromeda says as she quickly catches up with Salem. "Oh hey," Salem responds, knowing she wouldn't want to talk about it.

"What are you doing tonight?" She asks. "Severus and I were going to ride with Lucius to London for his birthday," Salem tells her as they walk into the common room. "Well, in that case, tell the little bitch boy that I said Happy Birthday." She says as she gives Salem a warm smile.

She could tell that what Narcissa told her about Bellatrix was eating her up inside but she would never admit it.

They split ways and Salem walked to Lucius's room. She opened the door and found him and Severus having a discussion on the couch. 

"Ah finally. You ready?" Severus asks. "Yes, I desperately need a drink." She says as the two get up. "Transfiguration was that bad, huh?" Lucius asks as they leave his room. "You have no idea." She admits as they all trudge outside.

Severus gets on his own broom whilst Salem mounts Lucius's broom behind him and holds onto his chest. 

"Ready?" He asks as he chuckles at how hard she was holding on. "Yes." She responds, excited for her first time on a broom.

He takes off, making her gasp while he chuckles at how cute she really was.

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