«Chapter 9- Execution»

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«3rd person POV»

Her hands sank into the ground, her eyes squeezed shut against the boiling sun that beat down on her face. She could feel her skin burning in the heat, her eyes leaking tears. Tears of joy.
There was no hint of Mahiru left in this shell of a corrupted person.
Mahiru stumbled up, her feet sliding into the sand. She scrambled at the sand, for anything to hold onto to. Her hands slapped the cover of a book, her final lifeline, and she pulled with what little remaining strength she possessed.
It was a book. A photo album.
She stared at the cover, turning over one glossy page, and another, and another.
They were pictures of her.
The old her.
Laughing with Hiyoko, telling off Teruteru, swimming in the ocean, a different girl to the one slumped in the desert now, a different Mahiru.
The photos grew darker, more disturbing.
Her vomiting in the toilet after finding that cd.
Her planning the perfect murder in her room.
The murder.
The aftermath.
Now it was her execution, red plains, scorching sun, her lone figure.
She turned the page.
Her choking for air on the floor.
She turned the page.

She began to laugh. Just like Nagito, just like🢇 █▚▌ 🞉 ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █▚▞▌ ▅▀▅, but her voice was strained and cut short.
Translucent hands seized her throat, choking her laughter, tearing out tears from her eyes.
The final page was one she had missed.

But I won't spoil anything. You can trust me.

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