«Chapter 7- Suspicions rise»

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«Hajime Hinata?»

My knuckles are white, clutching the podium. We all stand in silence for a moment, and I can feel 10 pairs of eyes slide over me like blades of a knife.
"Well, let's talk about how we were knocked out first." Byakuya finally announces, breaking the silence.
"What's that got to do with anything?" Hiyoko comments, slightly grumpily.
"We were all knocked out by a rag being held over our faces, weren't we?" He continues.
No... There's something... that's wrong.
"No- me, Mikan and Nagito were all hit over the head. That confirms that there were two culprits, right?" I add.
"Explain." Peko says.
"Well, we found two fox masks and robes. I also heard two people talking-"
"What?" Splutters Hiyoko. "You heard what?!" She glances at her best friend, Mahiru, who looks on, puzzled.
"They were arguing- one was saying for the other to choose her, and the other was crying. I couldn't tell who it was."
"This is very interesting." Gundham speaks for the first time during the trial. "I think I've figured it out." He adds slowly. "The two murderers targeted a group each to put us in that horrible hut... but why use two different methods? I think there were the two people in fox masks... and another person who intended to murder."
"Yeah! We saw a person in a fox mask running past us, probably to sneak up on us- but there was no way they could have caught up to us! So that means..." My mouth falls open with realisation.
"It had to be someone in our group who knocked us out. Me, Mikan or... Nagito."
"It can't be Mikan!" Ibuki yells quickly. "She doesn't have enough strength! So, it's Hajime or Nagito."
All eyes focus on us. I blink back tears, realising with freezing, creeping, crawling dread that I know who it was that knocked us out. I can't open my mouth.
Nagito's pupils dilate, a tiny detail I don't know who I can notice from the other side of the room.
Then he starts- laughing.

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