«Chapter 7- Three suspects, Two notes, one kiss»

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Shits about to go downnnn

«Hajime Hinata?»

Three figures stand  in the elevator, looking up at the metal walls that encase us all.
"Haj-" Before he can finish his sentence, I grab him by the shoulders.
"I'm so glad your ok!" I sigh, relief washing away the dread that hasn't dissipated since 3:00 am.
"I'm fiiiine." Nagito laughs. "I can't remember anything that happened! It's a shame I couldn't investigate, though. I suppose I'll be even more useless-"
I interrupt him before he can start his rambling. "Don't worry, I can explain what happened to you." I take a deep breath, the next sentence on my lips. "It was-"
"Ewww! Look at Fuyuhiko and Peko!"
Fuyuhiko and Peko pull their lips apart, faces flushed, a cocktail of embarrassment, annoyance and... fear? Fear, it's smeared all across their faces like lip balm. Peko takes his hand as we descend, and the spectacle is over.
"Hey Hajime, wanna kiss?" Nagito laughs. "Joking, joking."
Fortunately, the elevator doors open and I can stride ahead to stop my frenetic blushing.
I take my stance in the podium, the three empty spots glaringly obvious, replaced with cruel caricatures with blue Scribble over the faces. Sonia is splattered in bloody blue paint, Akane's portrait has been slashed and Teruteru's is dripping wet.

Class trial- begin!

"Let's start with the facts of the case." I begin. "Teruteru was killed by drowning and wounded by a knife. The knives were the ones from the kitchen- so they would be pretty easy to get hold of. He was killed at 10:45 pm."
"Ok- this is something I don't understand." Mahiru raises her hand. "Why would the killer stab Teru and then drown him? What's the point?"
"Maybe they wanted to make sure he would die? It seems overkill though..." Gundham croaks.
"Why don't we talk about the note?" Chiaki looks the happiest I've seen her for a while. She bounces up in her podium. "Didn't it state Teruteru was the accomplice that helped kill Sonia? Remember Sonia? Or have you all forgotten?" Her voice stays sickly sweet, clogging up the words that pour out of her mouth. "You've all forgotten her! And Akane! And soon you'll all forget teruteru!" Her voice finally turn into a scream.
"Hey- I will never forgot Akane." Nekomaru- a voice I haven't heard in a long time. His gaze is steely and his knuckles crack like chains. "And we haven't forgotten anyone who's died. We have to remember them, or this will happen again!" He bellows.
"Well, it has happened. So let's deal with this shit!" Fuyuhiko snorts. "We found a note with paper from a hole that only short people could fit inside. I tried it out- but I have an alibi. That's the only place the letter and paper could be from is there!"
"So it can only be Hiyoko or Chiaki that wrote that note!" Ibuki sings. "But- Teruteru was short."
"You're saying it was me? I didn't kill Teruteru, you perv!" Hiyoko squeals.
Mahiru jumps in to  defend her friend.  "Hiyoko would never do that! Maybe think things through before you say them?" She hisses.
"No- what she said about Teru was interesting. What if he wrote the note? But why?" Nagito adds.
"What if the killer forced him to! Or he was planning to expose the real accomplice?" Ibuki jumps up and down in excitement.
"He WAS the real accomplice." Chiaki shrieks. "He helped Akane kill Sonia! And I have proof, unlike any of you!"
Chiaki rips out a scrap of paper, splattered with some sort of blue...
Chiaki begins to read, her voice high and trembling.
"My name is Teruteru Hanamaru. I helped Akane hide Sonia's body. I used my apron to wrap her up- that was the big spot of blood. Then we moved the boxes. I am responsible for Sonia's death. See?!" She shows us the note, written with pencil, splattered with blood.
"T-T-That's the same p-piece of p-paper from the hole in the wall!" Mikan stammers, causing Ibuki to yell.
"That proves it! The killer made Teru crawl into the hole and bring out the paper for the note and the proof!"
"That doesn't prove anything." I answer. "But it is useful. But Chiaki... how do you have this note?"
"I-I- I" Chiaki stammers, her face draining of colour. Sweat trails down her face like pearls.
"I- Teruteru- he-"
"Chiaki, did you kill Teruteru?" Peko asks.

Who do you think is the murderer? If you guess correctly you can have a shout out!!!!

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