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And with a blink of an eye, the guard lay lifeless with a knife buried on his throat. The other guard shook in fear as he look down at his dead comrade.

"Whatever, scram."

With that, the remaining guard left while dragging his dead friend on the floor along with him.

Dream sat down on his chair, slamming a fist on the table. He then ruffles his hair in frustration.

Yes, he's alive.

He had managed to come out of the church, alive. And in one piece, and that's the help of an ender pearl he had manage to take from one of the enderman that's causing chaos on the church.

He was frustrated, with you running away he felt really pissed. His plans were going to trash right now, and he can't afford that to happen.

When he saw his own sister on the chaos, rage engulfed him and he just wanted to tear you here and there on the church.

But he can't help but be baffled, how? How can you managed to plan out a whole war in just a mere span of days? Maybe he underestimated you.

Maybe he did.

And the thought of that makes him angry.

All of his plans were crumbling, he was waiting for this day for years. And that's because of your stubborness, he was engulfed in rage.

(Dream's rage and plan will be explained in his back-story. ;))

All of those years of planning, just going to crush in a day. He forced himself to put up a smile, to be nice, to be friendly, he was successful on being your friend.

But then it all came crushing down when you refused to be his future husband, sure, it was true he did not feel any romantic feelings towards you. But he can't help but be engulfed in rage on seeing you with that pig.

He don't know why, and he don't care on whatever's the reason.

"I need the book, where could she possibly put it?"

He murmured under his breathe, he then opened a drawer and retrieve a white book with a green swirl on it. He then opened the book, the same white, black and red pages were there.

In that book, lays the past, presence and the future of his friends.

And the book he thinks you're currently holding right now is the most important.

He opened the book, going to a certain black page.

Y/N Damon.

Your name was there but he contents was erased, he don't know why but he believes that the answer is in the book that Karl gave you.

That's why he wanted to get the book, for whatever reason he might have, it's for his plan.

He won't give up without a fight.


You sigh as you looked at the ceiling, the others had gone off to go get some supplies again since all of you wasted it on the food fight.

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