V- Holy Heckerballs...

Start from the beginning

But yea, MY POINT is that I love them too much and it scares me. It really scares me. I don't want to lose them, but I know I can't stop it from happening. I just don't know how to prepare for it either... I guess I'll just figure it out when the time comes around.

Now, let me tell you about my training:

I've been training 3 days a week with Kakashi (2 alone and 1 with Tenzo), 2 with Guy (they last for like 5 hours though), 1 with Itachi (and Fugaku if he's not busy which is rare) and I have one free day a week to just hang out with whoever I want.

Kakashi's mainly been training me in ninjutsu and copying it. Tenzo's training has obviously been in wood style, which I really enjoy because I still think it's so bizarre that wood can just come out of my hand like it's normal or something.

Guy's training is absolutely... HORRIBLE. HOLY HECKERBALLS HOW DOES LEE DO IT IN THE FUTURE?! I ask myself that question about 10 thousand times throughout training with Guy (one for each rep). I'm not joking, he actually makes me do sooo many reps and sets of every workout known to ninjas!

On the days he trains me, the Uchiha family literally say GOODNIGHT to me when I leave, because they already know when I get back, I'm going straight to bed. That's how bad it is. But at the same time, I really shouldn't complain because as hard as he makes me work, it really has strengthened me a lot and it's only been a month since I started training with him.

Itachi obviously trains me in fire style jutsu and the sharingan. We haven't started on genjutsu yet, but I'm definitely excited for that. Just the idea of playing mind games on people is so intriguing. That sounded a little sadistic but whatever. He's actually such a great teacher. Because of his naturally calm demeanor, he's very patient and thorough with his teachings. If he wasn't gonna go rogue, I'd force him to become an official sensei.

Anyways, enough of my little "life update".

Today, Itachi's supposed to train me. He woke me up this morning telling me to just meet him where we usually train, because he has to prepare something for me. Whatever the heck that means. But then he told me we wouldn't be training so I could just wear my casual outfit, and then he left and said nothing more. He's a very vague man, ya know. Oh no. That "ya know" thing has seriously been sticking to me. It's kinda annoying. I don't really say it out loud much though, it's mainly in my head, but still!

I got up from bed and started getting ready. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and got dressed in my casual outfit (Picture^). You can probably tell I like wearing mostly black and a little bit of pink, huh? I just really like wearing darker colors, but pink's my favorite so I have to incorporate it into my outfit no matter what. I noticed from both of my outfits I ended up getting into the whole "Uchiha high collar" thing..but I was living with them so it was kiiiiinda inevitable.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Mikoto preparing breakfast for Sasuke and I. Sasuke was already sitting down and I sat next to him. The three of us ate together and had small talk. I finished quickly because I was curious to see what Itachi was "preparing". I said goodbye to them and left in the direction of Itachi's makeshift training grounds.

When I got there, I noticed nothing was different. At all. Itachi was just sitting on a rock, waiting for me.

I walked up to him. "Uhh so what were you preparing for me? Because everything looks the same." I said looking around.

He chuckled, "that's not what I meant by preparing". I tilted my head at him like a puppy. He continued, "I remembered the first time we met, you seemed to be my best friend's number one fan. You mentioned you wanted to master the body flicker technique..." he trailed off with an expectant facial expression.

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