He is my mate?! (5)

Start from the beginning

"And you can make me an aunt!" I shout and the line is silent.

"Is that all anyone wants?"


"Beth keeps insisting that we need pups ASAP, and my mom wants grand babies, hell even Sadie said we had to get on it!" I laugh as she sighs.

"Is he that bad in bed?"

"Nope quite the opposite actually." She says more to herself.

"Is that so? Tell me more!" I gush. I don't actually want to know but I know it'll get her all flustered.

"No! Why would you- He's my mate and its something that is intimate and-"

"Chill. I get it, I was just giving you a hard time."

"I can't wait to see you again." She says and I smile.

"I miss you too."

"So I hear the infamous Shane Vega is at your house."

"Yea, he's actually quite annoying. He sorta got hot though." There is no other way to describe him now. Well I guess there is sexy, desirable, seductive, arousing- Chapin! I scold myself.

"Hot how?"

"Like no words hot." She gasps.

"Seriously!" I laugh. "Well Logan wants me to come to bed."

"Ew, too much information."

"Not like that you perv!" We laugh."I'll see you in a couple days?" I nod even though I know she can't see me.

"Until Monday." I agree.

"Bye Chapin!" I say bye as well. Ari and I are close because after Silas died shes the first one to make me feel something other than miserable. I smirk as I look at the time. It's pretty late so I decide to go to sleep.

At midnight I wake up to feel the pull. I jump in my bed. The pull feels like there is a hold on your heart, some people describe it as a string literally pulling at your heart. I feel my heart rate pick up. He's alive, I've never been more happy to feel that pull! I get out of bed since Mariah is on edge.

He's here


She's never acted like this before. She rarely talks to me so twice in the past week is a stretch. I walk out of the room and cold covers my body. I rush to my room and change as quietly as I can into some jeans and a sweater. I walk outside feeling better in my clothes. I follow Mariah's instructions. I get ot the playground when I see him standing there. Mariah is going crazy in my head.

That's him! That's my mate!

"Shane!" I shout loudly, this can't be happening. He rushes over to me as I take a couple steps back.

"It's you!"

"Are you kidding me?" I look at him shocked.

"Four years. I have waiting four years to this day for you!!" He states. He pulls me close but I push him away.

"What do you mean?"

"Today's my birthday!" He states.

"But I always felt the pull around seven."

"Seven your time. That would be midnight my time." He tells me pulling me to him. I feel the sparks and I jump back.

"What the hell?"

"That's what happens when you are true mates." He smiles at me. "Aren't you glad that your mate is me."

"Excuse me?" I look at him confused. I was hoping it would be anyone but him. Mariah glares at me in my head. I can't even think right now.

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