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Matthew's residence


I pressed the doorbell to his house, his really big apartment that was somewhere in the city, about 40 minutes journey from home, he was really far from home.

I pressed the doorbell again hoping he would hear the jingles admist the blasting of songs from his sound system. I was sure no one could have a nap if this boy was around.

And then I remembered I had a phone and dialled his number, twice, before he finally picked.

"I'm outside" I simply said and hung up. I couldn't be wasting my airtime on him.

It didn't take him 2 minutes and the door bolts were giving way, he swung the door open revealing his full self, the glint in his eyes, his red eyes, indication he was smoking before I called.

"Sorry for keeping you out little bro" He apologized and left me at the door,I made my way inside. I guess I didn't need an invitation.

Matthew was shirtless, his tattoo which he had covering his whole right hand on full display. His short hung dangerously on his waist and he was blasting some Roddy Rich song on his sound system.

Matthew was my mum look like, the same light skin, pretty boy with really thick lashes, tall, athletic with his tainted hair that I found really rough now.

I took a swipe round his apartment that smelled like whatever he was smoking. Nothing had changed,the same red couch in his sitting room,sound system,a centre table and white walls,there was nothing on the wall except a picture of himself, Zara and I .

The television was on displaying some American movie but the volume was muted.

"Water, beer or wine?" He asked trying to adjust his trouser.

"I'm fine"I replied.

He gave me a look to be sure I didn't want to change my mind and when I kept quiet, he ignored me.

"Thought you said you weren't going to take those stuffs any more?" I asked him.

"Guy is that why you came here? How do you expect a nigga to survive without some weed?"He asked me as though he was expecting an answer. He was pouring some drink for himself into a cup now.

I took two deep breaths slowly, trying hard not to call him an irresponsible big brother.

"At least the girls are not here today right? Aren't you happy?" he asked as though he was trying to gain some points or trying to be on my good side,I wasn't sure which.

Maybe he did gain some points today, whenever I visited Mattew there was always a girl or two and it was disgusting. I tried to muster it up, try to ignore the fact that they walked around half naked but I had it enough when one of them tried to make passes me, they all did make passes at me but this one was shameless and I flared up, really bad.

"I would soon become a priest because of you" He chuckled but my face still remained stotic and then he frowned too.

"How is Zara?" He asked.

"She's fine, she was disappointed you didn't come to visit her" I told him and watched his expression flutter, at least there was someone he cared about.

"I would make it up to her" He said and took a sip.

"Do your neighbors sleep at all?" I suddenly asked, the volume was unbearable now that it was a song by Naira Marley, some song I didn't know the name.

"They sleep with ear pods I guess" he shrugged non chalantly and I wondered how his neighbors put up with the whole noise and him.

Matthew reminded me alot of Ken, rough and he hardly cared about the opinion of others, he did what he wanted when he wanted, just that Ken was a mini version with little more empathy.

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