"Mufida won't even agree to see another therapist mom?"Suleiman said looking worried. "But we will try our best"he reassured nodding his head.

"You can go in later to meet her"Dr Aisha said and left.

"Let me call dad and Ridwan right away"Suleiman said bringing out his phone from his pocket. "Hello dad"

"Mufida she was rushed to the hospital her condition have worsened"he said and waited for his father to reply before hanging up. He quickly dialed ridwan's number and he picked up in the first ring.

"Ridwan come to the hospital right now mufida's condition have worsened"

"Yes I'm together with mom,we are in the hospital"he answered and hang up shoving the phone back in his pocket and sat down close to his mother.

"Mom do you want to go back home,and come back later"he asked and she shook her head and said.

"I want to stay with my daughter,what if something happens to her,I'm not moving an inch from here"his mother said her endless tears streaming down her cheeks as she talks.

"Its okay mom,mufida will be fine"he prayed and they fell into a well if silence. The only sound that can be heard was the sobs of mufida's mother and the nurses,doctors, patient that are moving around the hospital hallway.

Suleiman's phone rang and he picked it up immediately. "Hello dad....we are in floor 3 room 301"he said and hang up.

"Dad is here"he said and his mother ignored him.

His phone rang again and he picked it up,it was Ridwan. "Floor 3 room 301"he said and hang up.

"Maman sa'eed"his father called sitting down close to his wife. "Where is mufida?"he asked.

"She is resting the doctor said we can see her later"Suleiman answered and his father nodded.

Mufida's mother froze on her seat,she is not crying or talking to anyone,she sat there on her sit thinking about her daughter's life and how it got ruined and her husband didn't do anything about it,just to save his reputation.

She shook her head sighed.

"Mom...."Ridwan shouted and ran to his mother and hugged her.

"Nothing will happen to her mom....nothing"he cried nodding his head at his mother.

"The traum...."his mother started but he shushed her up.

"In shaa Allah the past will not repeat itself mom...keep praying for her"ridwan said tears beaming down his cheeks.

"Dad....."he called and looked at his father. "She will be okay right?"he asked and hugged him tightly.

"In sha Allah my dear"his father answered unsure of what he said.

Ridwan broke out of the hug and went close to the door,he looked at mufida who was lying on the bed sleeping and smiled.

"Mom..."he turned and faced his mother. "She don't get this attack unless she got reminded of the incidence"he said and his mother raise up her head.

"Yes you're right,but when I entered her room I didn't see anyone or anything that could remind her of that"

"Did you see her phone?"he asked and everyone looked at her,waiting to hear her reply.

She shook her head and said. "No I didn't look at the room properly"

"Ridwan what are you saying?"Suleiman asked raising his brows.

' is he back ? ' Ridwan asked no one but himself. Did someone remind her of something concerning that incident,but who ? Mufida don't get this attacks just like that.

"Nothing"Ridwan said and shook his head. Dismissing the thoughts.

Dr Aisha came and entered the room without speaking to them,they all stood up and went and stand by the door waiting for the doctor.

"Mom...let me call suhaila and tell her to cook food for mufida"he suggested and they all nodded.

Dr Aisha came out and ridwan was the first person to talk. "How is she?"

"She is fine now you can go and see her"Dr Aisha said and left. They all went in and saw mufida lying on the bed, her eyes closed.

"My child....."her mother cried reaching for mufida's hands. "You'll be okay mufida nothing will happen to you"

Mufida squeezed her eyes and opened them gently. She saw a blurry figure seated beside her on a bed holding her hands. She closed her eyes and opened them again,everything became more clear. It was her mother, and her brother. She smiled and tried to talk but her mouth kept shaking.

"M....m.....m......mo.......m.....mo.....m"she stuttered smiling,her mother looked up to her and hugged her immediately.

"Alhamdulillah"Ridwan said and went over her smiling endlessly. "How are you feeling?"he asked squeezing her hands.

"Better......tha....n nev...er"she replied her voice coming back a little.

Ridwan chuckled at her reply.

"Wh.....y.....I'm I.....in the... Ho....spital"she asked unaware of what happened to her early,she isn't the one to be blamed,she don't remember a thing for now.

"You fainted"her mother answered,she smiled wierdly and sat upright.

"Where is sa'eed and ya Sule?"she asked.

"Sa'eed is at home with suhaila,ya Sule went to get food"her mother answered with a faint voice.

"Oh"she said and the room went quiet. Ridwan's phone started ringing,he looked at the caller and smiled.

"Hello"Ridwan said and smiled.

"Yes she is fine now"he said with a grin. "Won't you come?"he asked and he shook his head laughing.

"Okay I will be waiting for you"he said and hang up.

"Who was that?"mufida asked giving him a quizzical look.

"It was....."he started but stopped when the door opened revealing suhaila.

"How are you feeling?"she asked taking her sit and bringing out the warmers.

"Better"she answered quietly.

"Where is Sule ?"her mother asked.

"He went to pray"she answered and ridwan looked at his wristwatch.

"It's almost time for zuhr,I better get going"he said. They all nodded and he left.

"I prepared your favourite"suhaila said raising up the warmer.

Mufida smiled and said. "I can't wait to have it"

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