Ending things

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Chicago: Sam's POV
"Dad, go away." I say. "No, I'm here to protect you and take you home." He responds. "No you're not, leave me alone. Leave us alone." I say. "No. You're an teenager. You don't have the rights to make that call. I'm your father and if I say you're coming home with me than you will!" He says. "You're such a jerk. Leave us alone. We never asked for you to come to Chicago. If you didn't we wouldn't be in this hospital right now!" Will says. "You and Jay shouldn't have taken her back then, she belongs with her father! A kid needs a parent to raise her, not her brothers!" Dad yells. "If we didn't brought her with us back then, she wouldn't be the kid she is today! You didn't raise her or us. We did what was good for her and us!" Jay confronts dad. I'm so done with this shit. I knew this was gonna happen. They keep arguing for a bit until Connor comes in. I look at him sadly. "OKAY, SHUT IT." He yells. Everybody shuts down and looks at him. "You're results came back clear Sam. You do have an concussion but with a week of rest it will be gone." He explains. "Great! I'll tell the rest. I really need to get out of this room." I say. "Good. I walk with you and then we'll go home." Dad says. I shake my head. "No. I'm going alone and when I come back I want you to be gone. I don't want you here." I say and I walk away. "You good?" Connor says while he comes after me. "I'm done with all of this crap. I just want him to leave and that my life returns to the way it was." I say. "I understand. And it looks like Jay and Will are telling him this." He says. I look back and see them arguing again. I put up my shoulders and walk to the waiting room. Connor opens the door for me and squeezes my shoulder. "I'll see you in a bit little one." He says. I nod and watch him walking away. "Sam? What's going on? Where are Jay and Will?" Adam comes up to me. I get tears in my eyes and Adam pulls me in a tight hug. "It's okay. Just let it all go." He says. After a short while I take a deep breath and start telling. "I'm okay. I only have an concussion and have to rest for a week. It's just. Dad came in and demands that I come home with him. They have been arguing nonstop and I can't take it anymore." I explain. "Oh honey..." Hailey says and she gives me a kiss on my head. "YOU TWO ARE NOT TAKING CARE OF HER. I AM TAKING HER HOME. SHE IS MY KID NOT YOURS" Dad screams while he comes over to us. "And now you listen to us. You screwed up years ago. Where have you been all these years? You never got in touch, you didn't care that we left! You are not taking her back. We took care of her and we will continue doing that if you like it or not. She has all of her friends and family here. She is not going back." Jay says. "Family? I'm her family." Dad says. "No, you're not. Our family is here. The ED, the firehouse, the district that's our family. Leave us alone." Will says. Dad turns towards me. "Please tell me you don't believe this crap?" He asks me. "I do. And you know what? This people have raised me more than you ever did. If I need something I always can count on them. If I'm in trouble, I always have someone to back me up. They did more for me than you did back then. I'm not coming back dad. I stay here. In Chicago." I say and I walk to Will and Jay. Dad looks at us mad. "You ruined everything!" He then yells and he tries to get to us. Will pushes me behind him but Voight and Kevin stop him. "Look. Your kids don't want you near them. Leave now and never talk to them in any way or I will get a restraining order." Voight says. Dad stares at us. "Fine. Can't believe that my kids are such assholes. Screw you." He says and he walks out. I take a deep breath and hug my brothers. "I hope for him he doesn't return." Voight says. "Thanks Voight. Really." Jay says to him. "Of course. Like you said, we're family." Voight responds. "Now let's get your discharge papers and head home shall we?" Will says. I nod and walk with him to the nurse desk while Jay grabs my stuff. After we filled in the papers and said goodbye to everyone we get in Jay's car. "Do you guys really think he is gonna leave us?" I ask them. "I don't know. I hope so." Will says. "It will be okay Sam." Jay fills in. "But hey, if he reaches out to you. We want to know okay?" He says. I nod. "Now can we get some milkshakes? Connor said it will fix my concussion." I smirk. We all laugh and drive off. I look at my brothers and feel so happy. Finally everything is right again. No dad, no guy who tries to kill me, no crazy shooter. Just the three of us, like it's always have been and that's perfect.

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