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Chicago: Will's POV
"Do you think Hailey will get to her?" I ask Jay. "Maybe, she always loved Hailey so maybe she does but I don't know." He responds. "Mmm I wish she trusted us more than she does now." "Will, I don't think it's trust. She is obviously to scared to tell us something. I don't think if that has to do something with trust." Jay says. I nod. "You're right. It just bothers me that we can't help her." "Same here bro, same here. When I saw her crying in her sleep I knew something was going on. That's why I called you and Hailey. Let's hope that she will tell Hailey about her problem." Jay says. The door opens and Kol runs inside to find us. He jumps on Jay and then sits down in front of me. I pet him. "Hey buddy, did you have a nice walk?" I say to him. Hailey and Sam are coming in. It's clear that Sam has cried, so I get my hopes up that Hailey knows something. "I have to do some homework, so I go to my room to do that." Sam says. "Okay, let us know if there's something wrong." I say. She nods and goes upstairs. Jay and I look at Hailey who closes the door behind her. "Well did she say anything to you?" Jay asks. "She did, but I can't tell you guys. I'm sorry. I made a promise to her that I won't tell you what's going on. It's pretty heavy and I need to figure out a few things." Hailey responds. "There must be something you could tell us, we're her brothers!" I say. "Yeah, I'm with Will on this one. You can't keep something from us what is about our little sister." Jay says. "Then you shouldn't asked me at all to help you with this. I can't tell you even if I wanted too. I promised Sam and I want her to feel save with me. You guys will hear about it, definitely but not right now." Hailey responds. "I know it's hard but it's for the best if you just be supportive to Sam and let her feel that you guys are there for her. Maybe she will tell you then.." Both me and Jay agree. "I should go, it's getting late." She says. "I'll let you out." Jay says and he walks to the door with her. "Thanks Hailey." I say. She waves her hand at me and she and Jay disappear to her car.

Chicago: Jay's POV
I walk Hailey to her car. "Thanks for what you're doing for her Hailey. It means a lot to her and us." I say. "You know I'm always there when you need me." She responds. I nod. "Well I gotta go, see you at the precinct tomorrow." She says while she gets into her car. She waves and then gets away. I go back inside and see that Sam got downstairs. "Hey you, done with your homework?" I ask her. She nods. "It was horrible and boring but hey at least it's done." She responds. "Haha allright then." I laugh. We all sit down and watch some tv. It's getting late so we decide to go to our rooms and get some sleep. "Goodnight" I say. "Goodnight." Sam says and she disappears in her room. Will and I look at each other and put up our shoulders. "See ya man." Will says and he goes into his room as well. I also get into my room, get changed, set my alarm and go to sleep.

Chicago: Sam's POV
I'm in my room and think about my talk with Hailey. I heared how she defended me against my brothers and that made me feel so good. I know I can trust her so I decide to text her. "It's my dad."

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