"Stay with me"

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Chicago: Jay's POV
We hear a gunshot. And then a scream. Sam. "NO!" I yell and I try to get to the door but Voight stops me. "Watch out" he says while he pulls me aside. Just in time cause that guy is shooting at the door and bullets are coming right at us. "HIDE" Voight screams."SHE'S DEAD SUCKERS, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN SO CLOSE. NOW GET ME SHIRLEY." The man screams. I look at Voight. "Son of a bitch." He says. Then we hear a scream out of the room. It's not Sam. I look at Hailey, she looks questionable. "YOU LITTLE BITCH." We hear. Another gunshot. "NOW" Voight screams. Ruzek kicks in the door and we go in. The man start shooting and we shoot back. "SAM HIDE" I yell. But I can't see her. Voight shoots the man and he gets down. Dawson and him take care of it. "JAY HERE" Hailey screams. I get to her and see Sam in her arms. Covered in blood. "No no no, call an ambo NOW!" Ruzek calls it in and I get down and take her from Hailey. "Jjj Jay?" She says quietly. "Sss I'm here, you're going to be fine. It's okay." I say trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry." She says crying. "No no, don't cry. You'll be fine." I say. I look at her and see that's she had two gunshots. One in her abdomen and one in her leg. "Where is that ambo?!" I yell. "Two minutes out bud." Ruzek responds. He kneels down to help pressure the wounds. "Auuu, shit." Sam says. "Sorry little one but we have to. You stay with us okay?" He responds. I put her hair out of her face. "Stay with me Sammy, talk to me." I say to her. "I I want to go..." She tries to talk but she fades away. "NO SAM, STAY WITH ME. Come on." I yell. "Where do we need to be?" I hear someone say. "HERE SHE'S PASSED OUT AND NEEDS HELP NOW" I scream. The paramedics come in and take over from Ruzek. They give Sam oxygen and try to stabilize her. "Okay we need to get her on the gourney now." One of them says. "On my count, one, two, three!" We lift her and lock her in so she won't fall. We walk outside and get into the ambulance. "We are right behind you buddy." Ruzek says. I nod and sit down next to Sam. I take her hand. "Stay with me Sam please. We're gonna fix this." I say. "We arrive at Chicago Med in 30 seconds, get ready to get out." The radio says. "Okay girl, there we go." The paramedic says. The ambulance stops and the doors open. We get her out the ambo and we run into the ED. "Dr Rhodes, April. You're up. You're going to baghdad." Maggie says while they come up to us. "Sam?" Connor says. "Sammy Jo Halstead, 16 years old, 2 gunshots in abdomen and leg. Passed out a minute before we got there hasn't been awoke since." The paramedic says. We get to the room and Maggie holds me back from getting in. "You have to wait here Jay, they are gonna do the best they can." She says. I nod. "Jay? What happened? Why you're covered in blood?" I hear and I turn around. It's Will. I look at him, but he looks aside to Sam. "SAM!" He yells and he wants to get to her but Maggie stops him too. "Will you can't work on your sister. You know that. Wait here." She says. "I NEED DOCTOR CHOI IN HERE." Connor shouts. The man who shot Sam gets brought in too. Behind him is the Intelligence Team. Dr Choi runs aside us and starts helping Connor out. "What happened?" Will asks. I look at him. "There was this guy who went to the precinct and got nuts. Pulled out a gun and shot a cop. Then went to find his friend and bumped into Sam, he took her hostage and eventually shot her. I thought she died.." I get tears in my eyes. "What?" Will says and he gives me a hug. "Connor what's her status?" Will asks. "Sorry to say Will but not good. She lost a lot of blood and is still bleeding. We need to get her up to the OR right now." He says while he gets all the stuff ready to go. "Move people, we gotta go." Connor says. They walk up to the OR and we go after them. "We're going to do the best we can guys. I promise." Connor says. "Thanks Connor. Take good care of her." I say. "We will." He says and he leaves with Sam behind the door.

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