Chasing Jack

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Chicago: Will's POV
That loud beep had me jump out of the car. I might not be a cop but I feel something is wrong. I walk into the park trying to find Jay. I walk through a tunnel and see Adam grabbing Jay from hitting dad. Shit. What happened? Where is Sam? I rush over there and hear Jay yelling on him. "IT'S YOUR FAULT. YOU DID THIS. WHO THE HELL TOOK HER?" He screams. "What happened?" I say when I get to them. "Sam got taken by some man and your dad probably know who it is." Kim says. "WHAT?" I yell. "You told her it was safe, she trusted all of you!" I yell. "Will calm down. This isn't going to help Sam." Hailey says. "He is right." Jay say. "We're not doing this. Who is that man?" Voight asks Pat. "I don't know. Really!" Pat responds. Voight grabs him. "You are responsible for Sam's disappearance. So stop lying and tell me exactly who that man is, because you know damn well who it is!!" Voight says. Dad looks at me. "William, so good to see you after all these years.'' He says. ''Where is Sam?'' I say. Dad shakes his head. ''You boys can't even say hello to your old man can you huh?" He says. "Who is that man!" Jay yells at him. Dad breaths out loud. "It's a man who thinks he knows me and thinks I owe him something. Which is not true I promise! I didn't know he was up to this." He then finally explains. "Name?" Hailey asks. "Jack. I don't know his last name." Dad responds. Hailey and Kim take their phone to trace him. "Allright thanks. Guys I just had Trudy on the phone. An white van just ignored two red lights and almost hit people. We've checked the license plate and it's the one Sam was taken in. Last location is that construction area behind those buildings at 21." Adam comes up to us. "Okay let's move. But be careful!" Voight says. We all rush back to our cars and we want to get in when dad runs up to us. "I'm coming with you." He says to us. "Most definitely not, you did enough" Jay says and we hop in the car and drive off. "Van is moving nearby firehouse 51." We hear Adam saying through the radio. "Copy we're a minute out." Hailey responds. Jay speeds up and we get to the firehouse quickly. "There!" I yell and point to the van coming up to us. Jay forces the van to stop, blocks his way and then gets out pointing his gun. Hailey does the same thing. "CHICAGO PD GET OUT OF THE VAN WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" Jay yells. Jack looks at us and smirks a little. He drives the van backwards but the rest of the team blocks his way. He takes a turn and drives up to the firehouse. I hear gunshots and see the van slip and crashes into the wall of the firehouse. Sam.. I get out of the car and run with the team towards the van. There's a lot of blood and Jack seems to be unconscious. Kevin opens the door and checks his pulse. "Slow but he's alive." He says. The door of the firehouse opens and Casey, Severide and Herrmann are coming out. "What the hell is going on?" Casey asks looking at the van. "We need tools to open this van and get your paramedics!" Voight says. They nod and get inside again. Jay and I are trying to open the door getting to Sam but it's so crushed that it won't open. "Damn it." I say. Casey and Severide come back with tools and start working on the car. Brett and Dawson try to stabilize Jack. "Hurry, Sam could be dying right now!" Jay says. "Sam is in there?" Herrmann asks. I nod. Finally the door breaks and we can get in. Sam is laying on the ground and her head is bleeding. "Shit, Sam can you hear me?" I say. She doesn't respond. I check her pulse. It's not much but it is there. "She has a weak pulse, head injury and some bruises. She needs a hospital now." I say. "Dawson is getting the ambulance. Uhm. Jack didn't make it." Voight says. I slam at the door. "Will.. Sam needs us now." Jay says. I nod and hear Brett and Dawson coming up. "Can you move her on the gurney?" Brett asks. I nod and pick Sam up softly, I get out of the van and lay her down on the bed. "She needs oxygen." I say while we get in the ambulance. Jay gets in too and we close the doors.

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