The statement

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Chicago: Sam's POV

After we had our breakfast Connor came in to check in with me. ''How are you doing today?'' He asks me. ''Tired as hell, still soar but doing better I guess.'' I respond. ''Okay, I'm gonna run some tests on you to see how everything goes.'' He says. I nod. Connor performs the tests and writes everything down on his tablet. ''So, did I pass?'' I joke. Connor laughs. ''Almost, I need to take some blood to test your vitals and we're planning to do an MRI and CT to check your body. Is that okay?'' Connor says. I look at my brother and they nod. ''Sure.'' I say. ''Great, I'll get April to take some blood of you and will come back to you when the results are there.'' Connor explains. ''Allright.'' I say. Connor leaves and we have to wait on April. After a little while she comes in with some needles en syringes. I shiffer. ''Hey sweetie, I know this isn't your thing so I will do it quick okay?'' She says. ''Yes please.'' I respond. Will comes up and sit next to me as Jay looks the other way. He doesn't like this kind of stuff and so do I. April takes my arm and she pulls a rope around it so she can see my veins better. ''Okay now don't look at me 'cause I'm gonna start.'' She warns me. Will takes my hand and starts talking. ''When do you have that soccer game again? The championship?'' He asks while he tries to distract me. I think. ''Uhm, that's in 4 months. We're practic- aah shit'' I say. ''Keep talking sweetie you're doing great!'' April says. "Okay.. If we don't succeed at the regional game then we won't go to the championships." I continue. "Done!" April says while she finishes. I take a deep breath. "Good job." Will says to me. "I'm bringing this to the lab and we'll see what the results will be." April says and she leaves. Jay's phone rings and he picks up. "Halstead." He says. "Don't you have to work?" I ask Will. "You're kidding right? After what happened yesterday? Miss Goodwin gave me a few days off to stay with you. The whole department was kinda in shock when you were brought in." He responds. "Ooh, that's sweet." I say. Jay comes up to us. "Sam, It's might be fast but are you willing to talk to the unit about what happened? They are investigating right now.." He asks me. "Isn't that way to soon Jay?" Will says. "I know but they're just checking in if it's possible. That man isn't saying anything." Jay says. "Okay. But you both have to stay with me otherwise I can't do it." I say. Jay and Will both look at me. "Are you a 100% sure?" Jay asks. "Yes. I have to." I say. Jay walks away and talks to his colleagues. "You're brave Sammy, really." Will says to me. "Thanks." I respond. "Okay. Hailey, Adam and Kim are coming this afternoon." Jay says when he comes back. I nod.

Later that day
We were watching some tv when they come in. "Hey there, how you feeling?" Hailey comes up to me and gives me a hug.  "Could be better." I respond. I give Adam and Kim a hug too. "Yeah you've looked better kid." Adam smiles at me. "Still looking better than you." I say to him and laugh. Everybody laughs too. "What? You're getting good at this Sam. I bet Jay has something to do with this." Adam says. "Well what can I see, like brother like sister right?" Jay says. We all laugh again. "So Sam, can you tell what happened yesterday?" Hailey asks. I take a really deep breath and start to explain. "I was bored so I got downstairs to help Trudy. We were almost done when this man showed up screaming he wanted to see a woman named Shirley. Trudy send me upstairs to put some papers away and then. He. He took his gun and shot a few times. He screamed more and more and all of the sudden he shot a cop. I was hiding behind a wall and then he came to me and took me hostage." I say while I start to cry. Everyone is quiet and Will and Jay come to me and hug me tight. "He pushed me in that room when you got in and.. I fell and he put me on a chair and then said he should get rid of me." I cry louder now. "I'm sorry I can't." I say. "It's allright, you've given us so much. After he said that, did he shoot?" Kim asks carefully. I nod. "I got down and he thought I was dead. But then I kicked him and you guys entered short after that." I say. "Okay. Thanks Sam, that's all." Kim says. "Yeah you did awesome little one. Now come here." Adam says and he hugs me tight. We talk a little more and then the physical therapist comes to do some exercises with me for my leg. I say goodbye to the team and they head back to the precinct. Jay and Will leave to get changed and get some stuff for me.

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