The problem

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Chicago: Jay's POV

In my head the day keeps playing over and over in my head. I look at Will who is sitting on the ground against the wall. Hailey comes up and sits down next to me. She grabs my hand. ''She's though. She will get through this Jay.'' She says. I nod. ''I hope so.'' I respond. The doors open and Connor gets out. ''And? How did it go?'' I ask. '' Will and Jay, come with me please.'' He says. Something is wrong, I can feel it. We get through a door and end up in a room. ''What is it?'' Will says. ''Surgery went great we stopped the bleeding and she pulled through amazing. The nurses are bringing her back to her room now but there is something else. When we opened her up we saw that the liver isn't doing great. The bullet got more damage than we expected and she is definitely gonna need a transplant. Now is it that you could be a donor because you're siblings and blood related.'' Connor says. ''Okay take some test to see if we can, right?'' I say while I look at Will. ''Right, do it now Connor.'' ''Okay then, I'll get the stuff'' He says and he walks out. A few moments later he comes back. ''I just need some blood samples to send to the lab. Will you first?'' He says. ''Sure.'' Will says and he sits down puts his arm out. Connor takes soms blood out of his arm and then labels it. ''My turn'' I say with a small smile. Connor performs the same procedure at me as he did with Will. ''Could you bring this to the lab to get examined right away?'' Connor asks a nurse. ''Yes, On it.'' She says and she walks out. ''Thanks, now go to Sam. I have to check on some patients and will meet you after.'' He says and he leaves. ''Let's go.'' I say. We walk to the ICU and see Adam, Kim and Hailey with Sam. We get in as well.

Chicago: Sam's POV

When I woke up again I saw Kim, Hailey and Adam. They were trying to comfort me and made a lot of jokes. My brothers were still with Connor, I don't know why. But now I see them coming in. ''Hey, you're awake.'' Will says. ''Yeah feeling a little better than a few hours ago.'' I say. ''That's great.'' ''So where were you?'' I ask them. They look at eachother. ''Something wrong?'' I say. ''Sam, your liver got hit by a bullet and isn't going to heal on it's own. So you are going to need a transplant. Will and I just got tested if maybe one of us is a match.'' Jay says. I stare at them. ''Don't worry you will be fine. If one of us is accepted we just need a small surgery to get a little piece removed. It will grow back on so we don't get sick of it.'' Will says quickly while he sees I start crying. ''Why? Why did this man do this?'' I cry. Everybody gets silent in the room. Jay sits down on my bed and hugs me tight, Will grabs my hand. ''Don't worry little one. That man will suffer for this. I promise you.'' Adam says. ''Yes, Antonio and Hank are arresting him right now. We're on it.'' Kim says. "I know but I don't want other people to get surgery because I need it." I cry. "It's okay. Your our sister. We would do anything for you. You know that." Will says and he gives me a kiss. Jay agrees with him. I dry my tears off and lay back in the bed. ''All these wires, like where do they even go?'' I joke. Everybody laughs."That is something I like to see." Connor says when he walks in. "How are you feeling?" "Better, still very tired and sore but the pain is much better than a few hours ago." I say. "That's good. I want to do some tests just to be sure okay?" Connor asks. I nod. Will and Jay get from my bed so Connor can perform the tests. He checks my pulse and my surgery wounds. I look at it. "Damn those are gonna be big scars aren't they?" I say. "I'm afraid so. How does your leg feel?" He responds. "Sore but good. I can feel everything." I say. "Can you move your toes?" He asks. I do what he says. "Good, I would like to do an MRI and a CT in a few days. You are to weak for it right now and we want you to get stronger first." I nod. "Connor? Do you have the test results?" I ask him. "Not yet. They will come soon I expect. But now you have to get some rest. Okay?" He says. "Yeah, we should go. You need your rest." Kim says. Adam and Hailey agree with her. I give them all an hug and a kiss. "We'll visit you soon kid." Adam says. I nod. "Bye guys" I say. "Can you get me an extra blanket? I'm kinda cold." I ask my brothers. "Sure." Will says and he grabs one and puts it around me. "Better?" Jay asks. I nod. "Get some sleep. You probably need it." He says. I nod. "Don't leave me." I say softly. "What? Why would you think that?" Will says. I put up my shoulders. "I don't know. With everything that happened when we were younger. You know.." I say. "Hey stop. We're here and believe me we are going to be so annoying protective over you now that you wish we would leave." Jay says. We all laugh. "Okay then." I say. They help me to lay back comfortable and then give me a kiss. "Get some sleep, and when you wake up we will be around." Will says. I smile and close my eyes.

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