Let's work

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Chicago: Jay's POV
It was early in the afternoon and Jay and his team were working on a case. Hank, their boss, came in and he called Jay. "Halstead, my office now". I looked up questioning and said "Yes sarge, I'm coming". I followed him into his office where Hank shut the door behind me. "Take a seat, Jay". I sat down and watched him, curious about what he was about to say. "What is it sarge?" I asked. "For this case I need someone on the inside. Someone who is not afraid to deal with this kind of people." I nodded, "Okay sarge let's do it." " Hold on, he said, I want you to work with Adam on this". Hank said. "Allright I"ll pick him up to discuss the plan." I stand up and go find Adam. I see him at the coffee machine with Kim. "Yo Adam, we need to do something for Hank, let's go." I said. Adam turned around and handed me a coffee, "Okay, let's get to it then."

Chicago: Will's POV
"Mags, What do we got?" I ask her. "A twelve year old, with a stomache. She's in treatment three." Maggie handed me the tablet with the girls information. "Allright, I'm on it." I walk into treatment 3 and see this young girl with her mom who is freaking out. "Finally a doctor, my daughter is in serious pain and you have the nerve to come after 15 minutes? What is wrong with you?" She tells me. "I'm sorry ma'am, my shift just started and I just heard about your daughter, I'm gonna check on her okay?" I turn towards the girl. "Hey there, I'm doctor Halstead, what's your name?" I ask her. "I'm Kira, my stomach hurts so much." The girl says while she starts to cry. "It's okay, we're gonna find out what's wrong with your belly. April?" April joins the room "Can you help me with the tests?" "Sure, what do you need?" She asks. I touch Kira's belly and she starts to scream in pain. "April, ultrasound please." She hands me the ultrasound and puts some gel on Kira's stomache. "Allright Kira, this will be a little cold okay, I'll try to be as gently as possible." I start to examine her belly and see some fluids on the screen. "Kira, I see what's the problem, you have kidney stones. These are painful and I will give you some medicine to help you deal with them. In a few weeks, you will be as good as new." I say. Kira looks at me. "Really? Can I go back to school and sports again?" I nod. "That shouldn't be a problem, I'm getting you the medicine, I will be right back." I walk out of the room and go to the pharmacy to get the recipe for the meds. Then my phone buzzes. I see it's Sam's school. I pick up "Hello?" "Hello, this is nurse Oliver from Chicago High School, am I speaking to Will Halstead?" "Uhm yes, that's me. Is something wrong with Sam?" I ask worried. "Well we found her in the girls bathroom. She fainted after a possible panic attack. We want to send her home, but we always check in with the guardians if that's allright." My heart jumps a little bit. "Yeah yeah, can you send her to Chicago Med, is she stable enough to go by herself or do I need to pick her up?" I ask. On the other side I hear Sam saying, "Yeee I'm fine, just let me go and I will go straight to Med allright?" "I think she's good to go, I'll send her immediately." Nurse Oliver said. "Allright thanks." I hang up, and text Jay what's going on. Then I call Sam to keep up with her and to make sure she is safe and well.

Dallas: Pat's POV
I was looking on my phone to see if Sammy already texted back. She didn't.. why is she ignoring me? I just want to make up my mistakes, say sorry for what I did to them. But Jay and Will would never let me do that. I send her another text: "Baby please, I miss you so much, call me." I'm watching the sun going under while I'm drinking my beer. Then suddenly my phone buzzes. A text pops up: "Stop it, Leave me alone please..." I scream when i see it and throw my phone to the wall.

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