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"Whewe'z mama?" The youngest, Montero wondered.

"Who knows." The oldest, Solána says.

"I'm hungry." The third born, Gabriella clutched her stomach.

"It's too late to eat." The second oldest, Normani explained.

"Just go to bed Gabi." Solána ushered off as she completed her homework, Normani was already done with hers, and Gabriella did hers at school.

"But the monsters will get me." Gabriella clutched onto her stuffed.

"How many times have I told you? There are no monsters in your room." Solána shakes her head.

"But-" Gabriella tried to speak but Solána cuts her off.

"Gabi-" Solána was going to yell at her sister but Normani stopped her.

"Come on, I'll protect you from monsters." Normani smiled as she reached out for Gabriella's hand.

"No. Only mommy can protect me." Gabriella shut her eyes.

"That's okay, I'll be right back." Normani picked up Montero and took him to his room.

Checking if he is okay, she put him in his crib and turned on the baby monitor before leaving the room. By the time she made it back to the living room, their mother was home.

"Where's Montero?" Rihanna questioned.

"Here." Normani gestured the other part of the baby monitor.

"Thank you sweetheart." Rihanna sighed in relief before kissing Normani on her forehead.

"Gabriella is scared of the monsters in her room." Normani pointed.

"Again?" Rihanna frowned.

"Mommy you'll protect me right?" Gabriella clutched onto Rihanna's dress.

"Yes, but after mommy have a shower okay?" Rihanna picked up the young girl.

"Okay!" Gabriella nodded.

"Did you all have a bath?" Rihanna checked.

"Yes ma'am." Normani answered and Rihanna nodded at them.

Walking off, Solána looked at Normani and rolled her eyes.

"Why do you want to be the favorite so bad?" Solána laughed, but it sounded like a villains of the quiet ones.

"What d-" Normani get cuts immediately.

"Don't play dumb, you want mom's attention and now you got it." Solána put her homework and got up.

"I'm just making sure my sibl-" Normani tries to speak again but Solána cuts her again.

"Cut the bull crap, everyone wants mom's attention and you are no different from us." Solána walks away from her...


"Your brother is about to be in high school." Rihanna sipped her tea.

"Mom, I'm old enough to take of myself." Montero crossed his arms.

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