Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]

Start from the beginning

"Alright, we'll go by his old research facility right now. Hopefully that is where he's keeping you. In the meantime, try to find a way out. We'll see you guys soon," Oceana spoke calmly before hanging up. Namjoon said a quick thank you before she had hung up and then turned to the other members.

"She and the sirens are coming to help us," he voiced. The other members all sighed in relief at that. "But for now, let's try to find a way out of these ropes." The other members nodded as they went back to trying to untie the ropes. Namjoon sighed hoping that they would be rescued soon and that Jungkook would also be rescued and unharmed.

Meanwhile, Jungkook squirmed around on one of the guards' shoulders. He had been thrown over the shoulders of one of the guards and was being carried someplace that he couldn't really tell because all he could see was the guard's back.

After he had been dragged out of the room where his hyungs still were by Dr. Kai and the two guards, he had been untied from the chair, but was then tied back up to keep him from escaping. His mouth had been duct taped shut so that he couldn't go yelling away or crying for help.

When the guard that was carrying him stopped walking, he took this chance to try and see where they were going. He suddenly got a whiff of salt in his nose. He realized it must mean that he was near the ocean. A bad feeling started to fill his head and his feeling was on point when the guard that was carrying him placed him down into a large boat. The other guard was sitting down while Dr. Kai was behind the steering wheel of the boat.

Jungkook glanced around all three of them, glaring angrily and letting them know that they wouldn't get away with this no matter what they did to put suspicions off of them. Salty sea water splashed up onto the deck of the boat as the boat surged forward. Jungkook looked up, seeing Dr. Kai's old research facility getting further and further away as Dr. Kai drove the boat out to sea. Jungkook hoped that his hyungs were alright and unharmed. As much as he didn't want to die, he cared more about his hyungs than he did for his own life.

There was nothing he could do at the moment. He mouth was taped up so he couldn't call out for help and he was tied up so he couldn't defend himself. Plus, he was bleeding from the punches that Dr. Kai landed on him. He was sure that Dr. Kai was going to use the fact that he was bleeding to attract sharks to finish him off fast. He had to admit that he was beyond scared. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to leave his loyal fans, or his hyungs, or his family, or his career, or Y/N, but he was beginning to lose hope for himself. He knew that Y/N was returning today, but she had no idea what was happening to him. By the time she would find out, he probably would already be dead. He knew that now only a miracle would save him.

As the boat came to a stop, Dr. Kai and one of the guards began to argue as Dr. Kai was throwing shark bait out of the boat and into the water.

"Sir, this is murder. I can't help you murder someone, I won't," the guard refused shaking his head. Dr. Kai scoffed at the guard and rolled his eyes.

"What is the point in paying you if you won't do your job?" He asked the guard with a sneer as he turned away from the guard to grab more shark bait. Jungkook looked over the side of the boat. His eyes widened in fear when he saw several sharks racing at full speed towards the bait that had been dumped into the water. He watched the sharks biting down and chomping on the bait, making him gulp in horror. He knew pretty soon that that would be him in there the sharks would be chowing down on. If he could, maybe he could buy himself some more time so that all the bait would be gone and the sharks would disperse before he would be thrown in the water too.

"Sir, this was not part of the job! I'm supposed to protect you, but I will not kill for you! I refuse to!" The guard hollered angrily as he shook his head furiously. Jungkook watched this argument nervously. The guard was dangerously close to the side of the boat. Dr. Kai narrowed his eyes at the guard.

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