Chapter 8

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 Baekhyun spent the remainder of the night in Chanyeol's bathroom, pulling shards of glass out of him. He looked in the mirror, the damage wasn't that bad. At least for his face. Only a split lip and a cut on his cheek. It was his chest that was the real damage. Even in his human form, his wounds still showed and bled into the sink. It was right under his collar bone, stretching from one shoulder to the other.

He splashed water onto his face and wounds, not knowing what else to use. He locked himself in the bathroom, not wanting any of them around him. He was still on edge, the rogue's smell lingered in his nose, pissing him off.

The rest were still in a state of confusion and shock. They all gathered in the living room, having a little meeting since they were locked out of the room. Everyone was silent until Suho stood from his chair.

"We should help him first and ask questions later, I'll get him the first aid." He went under the kitchen sink and grabbed the small white bag and headed towards the room.

"He locked the door," Sehun mumbled.

"I'll knock."

"We should leave him alone until he comes out, then we could talk," Chanyeol also stood up from the couch, prompting Suho to stop.

To be honest, everybody wanted to go in there to see the omega in human form. From what Chanyeol saw, he was small with brown hair that almost covered his entire face from the fight. His scent was stronger than ever. When he was angry he smelled of bittersweet vanilla with a hint of vinegar, which Chanyeol didn't mind the burning in his nose.

"So, who's gonna clean the mess?" Kyungsoo looked at everyone to which they turned a blind eye to him. Chanyeol sighed knowing he was probably the one who had to do it. The wolf was at the bottom of a freezing cold pool. It wouldn't hurt to leave him there overnight, would it?

"He's quite a skilled fighter," Xiumin said aloud. He stood with his arms crossed, deep in thought.

"Yeah, he killed a wolf twice his size." Kai pitched in, agreeing with Xiumin.

"I mean if he was such a skilled fighter, why did he need rescuing." He turned to Chanyeol and the rest turned too.

"He was dying from the cold." Chanyeol looked at everyone and had a pit on his stomach.

"I'm really starting to question where he came from," Suho said.

"I'm starting to question what rank he is. I always thought he was an omega, but I've never seen an omega fight like that." Kai said staring into the abyss thinking of the fight.

"I've never seen an omega fight," Chanyeol said more to himself than to the rest.

After a few minutes of waiting, there was rustling from the bathroom and a small yelp that came with it. Chanyeol, who was closest to the room, heard the small noise. He moved without thinking and went inside his room.

He knocked on the bathroom door, he heard running water that came to a stop once he knocked. Silence filled the bathroom. Suho came over with the first aid in hand, also waiting with him. Suho was as worried as Chanyeol, not even shooing him away when the door slowly opened Baekhyun stood shirtless, blood dripping down his chest. Both not mentioning how built and slim he was. Suho quickly unzipped the white little bag and took out bandages.

"Come sit down." Suho motioned him to sit on the bed, to which he did. His hair was slightly wet and it covered his eyes, making him look like a soulless figure. Although Suho was helping patch up Baekhyun's wound, Chanyeol flinched every time Suho touched his cut. Not because it looked painful, but because of the small hisses Baekhyun made. He had an urge to grab Suho's hand, getting it away from him and doing it himself.

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