Chapter 5

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It took a week for everyone to adjust to Suho's schedule. Kyungsoo and Suho did morning medication and tube feeding. Kai and Sehun did afternoon feeding and Xiumin and Chanyeol did nighttime medication and feeding. The omega was still unconscious after the incident in the bathroom, his body quickly healing.

They never expected the process to go this fast but he was making a good recovery. The only thing that was slow to get better was his pneumonia. They put him on the ventilator twice a day which was Suho's and Kyungsoo's job in the morning, and Xiumin and Chanyeol's job at night.

Kai and Sehun took the easiest job, they only had to give him two pills for his food poisoning. They both would beg to differ when it came to that job. Having to force the pills down his throat was not an easy task, for the omega would gag and spit it up. They also get nervous when the omega opens its eyes, even though it would simply close them again.

"I'm telling you, every time he opens his eyes I think he's going to attack me." Kai plopped on the swivel chair and rested his arms over the kitchen island. Suho only rolled his eyes behind Kai's back, while cooking everyone some lunch.

"Kai, he barely has the strength to lift his head up, the medicine makes him drowsy." Suho flipped the lightly toasted sandwiches, raw side down. Sehun protested as he heard the conversation from his room.

"It's still not an easy job, he keeps throwing it up, and by then the pills are ruined." Sehun looked over his shoulder to see what he was making. Suho removed the sandwiches and took the pan off the burner, he turned around with it almost hitting Sehun. He jumped back, while Suho calmly put it in the sink and rinsed it out.

"You two are doing fine, just have to keep it up for another week." Suho set the plate of sandwiches in front of them and wiped his hands on a cooking rag. The food made them forget that they had to do it for another whole week as they shoved the hot food in their mouths.

The smell brought attention to the other members of the house and drew them to the kitchen. It was Saturday and everyone was off from work, so they all took their time enjoying the food. The smell of food also brought attention to the omega. He was still asleep but his nose bounced as the smell of bacon came into the room.

He vaguely remembered what happened, all Baekyhun could remember was being in a small town. He followed the smell to a trash can outside of an apartment building, he engulfed the food despite the sour taste. After that, he couldn't remember where he went. Come to think of it Baekhyun didn't know where he was now.

The feeling slowly sunk in, thinking about the night of his escape, he could only remember rummaging through trash. He tried to open his eyes but they felt like bricks. He tossed in the bed, trying to get himself to wake up. He eventually stopped and listened to what was happening around him to get a clue as to where he was.

He was laying on something soft, he heard voices from a distance. It almost seemed like he was back in his cell, he heard laughing as he would from his neighboring cells. He tried once again to open his eyes, he saw glimpses of a window that were covered by red curtains and a nightstand near the bed.

He figured he needed to do something that would jolt him awake but he didn't want to be noticed by strangers outside. He thought about just falling off the bed but he knew he couldn't catch himself in time. Still, he crawled to the side of the bed and threw his face over the edge. He saw a bucket of water and tubes lying next to it. Baekhyun blinked rapidly to keep his eyes open but the more he looked at the water the more he remembered the night in the bathroom.

Baekhyun kept moving around to keep him from falling back asleep, which was working pretty well. He turned and laid on his back, putting his paws folded in front of him. He could open his eyes to see the blank ceiling. With laying on his back his chest felt heavy and had a stronger urge to cough.

Set Me Free-ChanbaekOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora