Chapter 4

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Chanyeol was the first one to wake up and even though he got no sleep, he hauled himself out of bed to check on the omega. He quietly opened the door to see the small wolf buried in blankets. He walked over to him and he too could hear the small wheezing coming from him. He really felt bad for the omega, still not knowing what happened to him he could only imagine the worst. He noticed a vomit bucket next to the bed along with the water and tube. It must have been a long night for them.

After checking on him he decided to go on patrol as many things have been popping up in his territory lately. He looked out the window to see what the storm had done last night. Everything was at least covered in at least 3 inches of snow, but thankfully the storm had stopped. He stepped out of the room and decided to get dressed before going out.

Once he stepped outside, he shifted into a wolf so he wouldn't be cold. Chanyeol also stood quite tall as a wolf. He towered over many wolves as his size wasn't regular for grey wolves. With his abnormal height, he had many advantages in combat. He was the pack's best fighter along with Sehun and Kai. It was a deadly trio as they all worked very well together. All of them did well in fighting but mostly Kyungsoo didn't fight, since he was an omega, and Suho because he didn't like to hurt others but they did if they needed to.

Chanyeol walked up a hill of snow and looked at the terrain below him. He scanned for anything out of the ordinary. The snow made everything look brighter but he managed. He saw in the distance a herd of elk eating bark off dead trees. He didn't know whether to hunt for their guest or not. It didn't seem like he could eat solids but figured it wouldn't hurt to bring food home just in case.

He slid down the hill and headed for the herd, scouting out the area and looking for a certain one to pick off from the herd. He didn't want to go too big but enough to feed a starving omega. There were no young in the herd as it was the middle of winter so choices were limited. He was now only a couple of yards away from them, crouched down in the snow. He watched them peacefully eating in the snow. He had found a target, an elk had laid down in the snow while the rest ate. He smelled the air, he smelled a black sheep, the one lying down was sick.

If he got close enough to it he could catch it before it got up. He slowly inched towards it, the snow helped him stay quiet, no branches or rocks could jeopardize the hunt. He was in an open field and the elk stood at the border of the forest, which could make this hunt harder than it had to be. He kept on going hoping it wouldn't come to a chase. The elk laid its head down and closed its eyes and Chanyeol went for it.

He got close enough to where he didn't have to run far. With a loud bellow from the herd, they hurried off in a panic. Chanyeol pierced the flesh of the elk's neck, it made an annoying loud scream. It tried to get up but he kept its neck down, it only could get its back legs up. Chanyeol bit harder down, his teeth slowly sinking deeper into its throat, making it bleed even more.

The elk was sick but it was still pretty strong but Chanyeol wasn't doing too bad on his own. He thrashed his head around making its legs give out. He placed his paw on its lower neck and made a deep gash all the way across it to speed up the process. He tore up its flesh and the elk was losing its strength. Eventually, it bled out and slowly died.

Now he had to get the elk back to the house, usually, he had help with the others but now he was on his own, or so he thought. Chanyeol finally let go of the elk's neck and looked back at the hill of snow. Suho in his wolf form stood at the top, watching him. He started to trot down the hill in his direction mostly likely coming to talk about the wolf.

"Chanyeol I called the doctor and he just arrived at the house, I thought you should know as soon as possible." He couldn't look at Chanyeol as blood covered his entire snout.

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