Chapter 25

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Sarah's POV:

Time has really passed quickly. We have been in America for a few weeks now. I've already had several jobs here. Since most of the jobs are in LA, Niall and I decided that I would stay in LA part of the time, even though he had gigs in other cities. 

Of course, I was always there when I had time, but it was actually nice to have time to myself and be able to move around freely without cameras following you everywhere. At least I thought so. Just when I came back from a casting, two girls came up to me and said:

"Hey, aren't you Sarah?  I saw you in the one commercial and on Instagram." , I was quite perplexed at first because it was such an unusual situation for me.

"Ehm yes, that's me." ,I said sheepishly.

"Can we please take a picture with you?" ,It was really strange for me because I am a normal person and I wondered why they wanted to take a photo with me, but we quickly took a photo together.

"Thank you very much, you are really beautiful."

"Thank you, that's sweet. Have a nice day."

Luckily Niall wasn't there. If he had been, everyone would have been wondering what we were doing together. There were always posts showing some paparazzi pictures of us. Luckily, they could never really recognise us. But you also have to admit that Niall and I are very careful. Unfortunately, we can't just walk down the street like any normal couple without Niall being recognised by anyone.

Niall was also in LA at the moment as they were taking a two week break from touring. Niall explained to me that it's very good not to be somewhere all the time, but to take a break sometimes. From what he told me, they never really had a break or time to themselves during One Direction.

I was on my way to Niall's house when my mobile rang.

"Hey petal, when will you be home?"

"Be right there, like in ten minutes, why?"

"No reason, I have a little surprise for you."

Niall gave me surprises far too often, but I couldn't complain.

When I opened the door to his house, he was already standing in the doorway. I could already see into the dining room where there were many candles and food on the table.

"You cooked?"

"Yep, I hope it tastes good, but I made an effort."

Niall had cooked for us many times before of course, but you could see that he really did make ten times more effort this time. He took my jacket and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

When we went to the table, he pushed the chair back for me and then gave me another kiss on the head as I sat.

"Okay, this is unusual. What have you done wrong?"

"Nothing hahaha. I just wanted to thank you. I know this is not easy for you. I mean you left your family and gave up all your studies for me. Plus, I know how hard it must be that we often don't see each other for days at a time."

"Niall, I just loved doing that. For us. For me, it wasn't giving up in any way. It was much more holding on to what was important to me."

"You said that beautifully."

"I say it like I mean it." ,He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

Surprisingly, the food was really tasty. In fact, it was so tasty that I thought he had the food delivered and made it look like he had cooked it himself. But of course that was not the case.

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