Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV:

When I walked home the next morning, I couldn't hide my smile. I decided to call my mother to tell her everything.

"Hey honey, glad you called. Any news?"

"Yeah, there's actually a reason i'm calling.", I was super nervous because i didn't know how she would react. "I told you about the man I met. well, he might not be a normal man. Well, it's just that he's a musician and he's also famous everywhere. But we get along incredibly well."

"Princess, before I say anything now, I want to say that we always support your decisions as long as you're happy and you definitely sound happy. Now I don't know how famous he is, but please be careful sweetie. I don't want him to ever treat you badly,  just because he thinks he's famous or something..."

My mom gave me a long lecture about why I should be careful, but she was more relaxed than I expected. She was still skeptical, but she even wanted to listen to Niall's music. All in all, we talked on the phone the whole way.

"Bye Sarah. Dad and I will lovw you no matter what you do. I just hope he makes you happy."

We also talked about the fact that I would be back in germany at some point. Somehow it was incredibly hard for me to think about it. Of course I missed it, but nevertheless I felt so incredibly comfortable here in london after such an incredibly short time.

As I got back home, I found a note saying that Ema was already in the studio and that I was welcome to join her.

But first I made myself a cup of tea and lay down on the couch. I had to sort out my thoughts and relax again. At some point I came to the conclusion, that maybe I could try modeling. Ema had often offered to make set up photos of me. I mean I loved taking pictures and if no one wants to work with me, that would be fine. What could happen badly?

After doing nothing for an hour, I ate lunch and told Ema about my plans. She was super excited and told me to come to the studio today. So I quickly went under the shower and got ready. Ema told me that I should just wear something plain, so I put on black pants and a black top with a square neckline.

When I was on my way to the studio, I decided to call Niall. I didn't know what he thought of my plan.

"Hey petal, what are you doing?"

"Listen, I wanted to ask you something. You know how Ema was always trying to get me to model, right? Anyway, I thought I'd just give it a try. Even if it doesn't work out that's ok." I spoke incredibly fast because I was afraid of Niall's reaction.

"If that makes you happy, just give it a try. I'll support you with anything."

"Thanks niall, you're the best."

"I know. Wait a minute, I have an idea. I'm going to make a music video for my song soon. What do you think about joining in?"

"Niall, honestly I don't know if that's such a good idea. I mean then everyone will see me."

"I know, but no one will know we're together. You are just doing a job. You don't have to say yes right away either. You can let me know in the next few days."

"Okay Niall. Thanks for everything.",   "No problem love."

I actually enjoyed working in the studio a lot. Especially because Ema took the photos. Tom was also there and said that I was a natural talent. Besides, he offered me, that he could let his contacts play a little. Then I would surely get good job offers. I wasn't sure what I was getting into at first, but I decided to let it all come to me. 

After taking the pictures, we had dinner at a restaurant. I told ema about my evening. She was incredibly happy for me. I didn't know, what I did to deserve all this. I had only been in london for a week and so many great things happened. I felt like I was in a dream, that should never end.

The last thing I did that day, was calling my parents again. I just had to know their opinion. My mother was surprised to hear from me again at the same day. When I told her about everything she had to exhale loudly first.

"Sweetie, like we said today, we're always proud of you. But i also want to appeal to your common sense. Don't get yourself into something and end up disappointed. Do you want to study at all or should modeling become your life's purpose. I don't mean anything bad, but what if it doesn't work out? You can't live on air and love."

I knew what my mother meant by that. She only wanted the best for me.

"Mommy, I just wanted to try it out. I don't really expect to be able to finance my life from it someday. But taking the photos today was really fun for me. I probably want to study , when I get back to germany. "

As our conversation continued, my mom told me that she even listened to Niall's music and that they were proud that I was going my own way and that Iwas happy.

Over the next few days, I met with niall several times, making our bond even stronger. I even met some of his friends. They were all very nice. When I met lewis, I wondered if I was in a relationship with Niall or if he was. But he was super funny and we got along well.

I also told Niall, that I would love to be in the music video. He was happy about it.

I was kind of sad when he told me, that he has to go to LA in a week to promote the album that's coming out soon. On the other hand, I thought it was quite good when we are not together every minute.

When I just arrived back at Ema's apartement on Monday, Tom called me. He told me, that two clients had requested me. I was super excited and immediately agreed to model for the brands. One was a clothing brand that was more moderately known, but the other brand was a pretty well-known cosmetics brand. 

Tom had to have really good contacts and influence, if the brands didn't even want to cast me, but booked me directly. I was incredibly grateful for him. I called Niall and my parents directly. They were still a bit skeptical, but were happy anyway.


Thanks for reading my chapter. I am happy about every single reader. It's more of a filler chapter, but I wanted Sarah not to be dependent on Niall, but to do something she loves and her being succesfull. Maybe the chapter is also very erratic. I hope you like it anyway. Feel free to follow my Instagram @purplepantsniall

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