Chapter 9

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Sarah's POV:

The next morning I started to get ready for the day. Tara wanted to show me the city rather early, so it wouldn't be so crowded. I made myself up and put on a blue, flowered dress and an oversized jeans jacket. I paired it with white converse. 

 In the kitchen, I quickly made myself some avocado toast. Because I knew , that Ema had to get up right away, I made her some, too. At 10 o'clock , Tara texted me, that she was waiting for me outside. So I grabbed my bag and ran through the stairwell.

"Hey Sarah, we have so much to talk about." she said as she hugged me and winked at me after.

I knew exactly what she meant. She saw, that Niall and I were getting along really well. So I told her what happened. Not everything, because I wanted to keep some things to myself. But I also told her my worries and fears and asked her about Niall and women.

"No, you don't have to worry. I know you're worried,  because he has mostly female fans and he generally appeals to women. But Niall is the kind of person who is looking for a committed relationship, not a woman for a night out. He doesn't fall in love often, but when he does, it's very strong. I see the way he looks at you Sarah, he never looks at anyone like that. Not his fans or other female friends.", while she told me this, she lightly patted my arm.

"Sounds like you know Niall very well. I'm sorry to ask you that question now. I know you're Niall's assistant, but you're also a very good friend. Was there ever anything going on between you two?"

I was visibly uncomfortable asking this question, but I kind of wanted to know.

"No, for God's sake no.", She laughed while she said that. "So first of all, Niall is more like a brother for me. Because of the fact that I work for him, we have to get along well on a personal level. Also, I haven't told you yet because we just met yesterday, I've been engaged to my boyfriend for half a year."

"What, congratulations. I'm so happy for you. You should have told me earlier. Besides, you're not wearing a ring. That confuses me.", I was really surprised, because strangely enough I had not expected anything like this.

"Yeah, I know. It confuses a lot of people. Well, the proposal was rather spontaneous, so we agreed, that we would choose a ring together. But we haven't  managed to get one, in half a year."

As we were on the way, she showed me pictures of them. They looked really happy. Arrived in the center of London, she showed me really beautiful corners of the city. On the one hand, the most famous sights, such as Hyde Park, Tower Bridge or the London Eye. But also places that were not so crowded and known. For example, the borough market and the leadenhall market. 

London was an impressive city, but my feet hurt after three hours of continuous walking. So we sat down in a small cafe to give our feet a break. She told me more about herself and how she met her fiancé. I also told her about my family in germany, and that there are also a lot of great things apart from beer, potatoes and octoberfest.

After that, we decided to go to a few stores. Actually, I thought that it wasn't a good idea because I would end up buying way too much again. I ended up buying a white ruffled blouse and a mid-length flowered skirt with a slit. 

It was amazing that I was able to keep it together and that I didn't over buy. Tara also bought a few cute pieces. Afterwards we made our way back to the apartment. Luckily we could walk together,  because we lived halfway in the same direction.

"Will you see Niall again soon?"

"Yes, he invited me for tonight, but I have no idea where we are going, so I have no idea what to wear."

"I'd wear one of the new things. It'll definitely go well with what you're doing."

"Yes, hopefully. I have to say, that I'm really happy to see him again, but I keep thinking that I'm only in London for four months."

"I know it's difficult, but I've never seen two people get along so well in such a short period of time. I would fight for it, even if it means maybe to get hurt."

When we parted ways, I gave Tara a tight hug. ,"Thanks for the great day. I really had a lot of fun."

"No problem, it was fun to spend time with you."

"Well, see you again in the next few days?"

"Yes, definitely. I will write you. And have fun tonight."

"Thanks Tara."

As I walked the last few meters alone, I decided to take Tara's advice. I just wanted to enjoy the time in london and I don't wanted think too much about what I'm doing. Even if that means i'll definitely be sad to leave london at the end.

After I arrived at the apartment, Ema told me about her day at work. She had a product campaign for a cosmetic company. It definitely sounded interesting,  that's why I decided to visit her in the studio, in the next few days. Until I started getting ready, we were just lying on the couch and I was on the phone with a few friends,  I hadn't talked to since I arrived in london.

I decided to make  few waves in my hair, so the time until the date would went faster. In my closet I searched for a pair of pants, that I could combine with my new blouse. I ended up wearing a pair of blue mom jeans with the blouse and a belt. I also put on my converse again. I couldn't stand high heels.

"I don't know how long you'll be gone today, or if you'll even come back, but Tom may still be here then. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. Have a good time tonight." ,Before I left I gave her a hug from the side.

When I left the apartment, I was just happy to see him again. As I walked out the door, he was already standing on the sidewalk. He looked good. He was wearing blue pants and a cream white shirt. He also wore sunglasses and a cap.

Because that actually didn't really fit the outfit, I assumed that he just didn't want to be recognized by any fans. I wouldn't want that either, if I just want to spend some time with someone in a comfortable way.


Thank you for reading my story. I really appreciate every single reader. Feel free to write me suggestions for improvement and share the story if you want. I would love, if you to continue reading the story. I am always trying to improve my language and continuously upload new chapters. You can also follow me on instagram @purplepantsniall.

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