Chapter 18

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Sarah's POV:

When I was back in London, I alreday missed Niall. Of course we couldn't always be together and I was also glad to be back with Ema. Tom told me that I had more job offers. He had kind of become like a manager for me, which I was very happy about. I thought that maybe I could surprise Niall when he was back in London, so I asked him if he had time on Friday.

"Hey honey, do you have any plans for Friday when you get back?"

"No darling, not really yet. I just wanted to go to the studio in the evening to do some last things for my song, but we can do something in the afternoon. You can also come to the studio with me, of course."

"Okay, great. I'm definitely looking forward to see you again and I miss you."

"Miss u too, Sarah."

I had a job on Thursday. I really had a lot of fun. A few weeks ago I didn't think I would really enjoy modeling so much. On top of that, Tom informed me that day, that the one ad with me had come online and I was even hanging on a huge building in the middle of London. It was unbelievable. I absolutely had to go there with Ema to see me. Without further ado, we took a picture of me in front of the huge billboard and I also put it on my Instagram Story.

When I woke up the next day, I knew this day was going to be great. I was just so happy to see Niall again, even though we haven't only seen each other for a few days.

"Morning Niall, can you prepare your bike today and maybe put on some clothes that people won't recognize you in?"

"Yes I can do that, but what the hell do you have planned?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, so you'll have to be patient for a bit."

It was still relatively warm in London, even though it was September, so I put on a mid-length skirt with flowers and a black top. I also packed my sunglasses and the snacks I had already prepared in my bag. As I walked out of the apartment, I grabbed Ema's bike. I didn't have a bike, of course, because I was only here in London for four months, so I had asked Ema if I could borrow hers.

I made my way to Niall's apartment and was there in ten minutes. When I rang the doorbell he was already standing in front of the door with his bike. I immediately rushed into his arms with a hug and was glad to smell his familiar scent again.

"I'm glad to have you back." , he said before my lips touched his again.

"I feel the same way, I am glad that you have time for me."

"Of course, petal. Even if I didn't have time, I would take time for you."

I could tell that Niall really did his best not to be recognized. He was wearing basic clothes with sunglasses and a cap. Not his short blue Nike pants that he almost always wears. I explained to him, that I had picked out a cozy place in London that we were going to go with our bikes to.

The ride went by quickly. We both rode close together, almost crashing into each other twice. He told me about the rest of his interviews, which fortunately went without incident. I also told him about my job and the huge billboard. I had of course already sent him the photo that I took with Ema.

At some point, we arrived at the corner of a small park. Without Ema, I would never have found a place that was beautiful but not teeming with people. Niall and I spread out a blanket and palced the prepared food on it. We both lay down on it. I had my head on his shoulder while he lightly stroked my hair and the sun hit our faces.

We talked about everything. Also about the study places for which I had applied. Kind of a sore subject because I won't be with him then. At some point we just lay there and our lips melted together. However, he took distance again and just looked at me.

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