Chapter 16

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Sarah's POV:

I stayed at Niall's place, while he had some interviews. At first it was a bit weird, because his house was huge, but after a wile I felt really comfortable, even without him around me. I had nothing planned for the day, because I hadn't got any fittings or something like that for tomorrow. So I decided to go over my applications for the university once again, to make sure all was correct. I even managed to submit them all.

Niall told me, that he would be home again at 4 pm, so I decided to prepare some food for us, maybe something nice to cook. As I realized, that he hasn't got much food in his fridge left, I made myself up, to by some food at target. I didn't exactly know, what a Niall Horan would get at a supermarket, but I bought some fruits, avocado, some cornflakes and a bit of random stuff. I decided to cook my favourite meal, some avocado-pasta.

As I got to Niall's house again, I decided to call my parents, since there was still much time left until Niall woould come home. I told them, that LA is beautiful and that I'm very happy to be here. It was good to hear theire voices again. I really missed them, but all the great time I spend in the last weeks was worth it. We talked like 1 hour, even though it was very late in germany. I also called Ema. She was at Tom's place and we managed to talk a bit too. He kind of managed my jobs and I was very grateful for that.

By now, I had about 290 thousand followers on my instagram profile, plus hundreds of messages. I replied to some of them and then finally started cooking. The food was ready relative quickly and Niall had to be back any moment. When I heard the door open, I looked directly at the entrance and saw him. But he didn't look happy. Something was bothering him. Something wasn't right. I noticed that immediately.

"Hello Sarah!", he never called me by my real name, he always had some kind of pet name for me. There definitely had to be something wrong.

"Hi Ni, it's good to have you back.", Niall wasn't really paying attention, he wasn't even looking me in the eye. It was like his mind were somewhere else. I walked up to him and put my hands around his face. My feet were close between his and for the first time I could really see how depressed he looked in his face.

"What's wrong honey? you look unhappy."
"Nothing, everything is fine.", he tried to sound happy but he couldn't hide his emotions.

"No, you can talk to me about anything. It doesn't seem like everything is fine."

"I don't know. It's difficult to explain. Today at Carpool Karaoke we took a lie detector test. James asked me if I was dating anyone at the moment. I really tried not to let on, but the test was very accurate and exposed me."

While he tried to explain everything to me, his face became almost sadder. I saw his eyes get wet. I knew he wanted to keep our relationship private because the media has often destroyed a relationship of his.

"I am incredibly sorry Sarah. I don't want this to have any negative impact on you."

"No Ni, it's all good. you don't have to be sorry. Besides, no one knows it's me. Even if this has any negative consequences, our relationship will always be worth it to me. You've become one of the most important people in my life in such a short time. I wouldn't let you go for anything in this world."

"You don't know what you're saying. maybe this has all happened too fast with us.", when he said that, I couldn't hold back my emotions. I took a step back. I couldn't stand his closeness at that moment.

"You, you mean, you're not sure. Not sure about the relationship with me?", I stuttered, because I almost couldn't get the word out.

"No princess, I didn't mean it that way. I, I'm really sorry."

Even if he didn't meant it, he said it and it hurt me a lot. He was right it was happening very fast with us, but I felt safe and comfortable at every step. The sadder I was, that Niall didn't seem to feel that way. I felt like I wasn't enough for him. When I noticed tears rolling down my cheek, I quickly turned around. I didn't want him to see me like that.

"No petal, please don't cry. It hurts to see you like this. It really wasn't meant the way I said it."

"Maybe it's better if I go.", I knew I didn't know exactly where to go. I had my hotel room, but I was in a strange city, in a place that was on the other side of the world from my home.

„No, I think it would be better if we talk about it. If you leave now, I don't know what will happen to us."

I couldn't do anything, I just had tears flowing down my face. I tried to quickly gather my things from his house and wanted to leave as soon as possible. My emotions just overrode my mind. To my surprise, Niall remained pretty calm the whole time. My ex-boyfriend would have yelled at me and would completely freak out.

Still not in my right mind, I raced to the door and just wanted to leave. Niall stood there leaning against the door frame. The light shone in through the windows of the door and landed directly on his face. We didn't say anything. My face was still filled with tears, but we both stood there calmly. It was kind of a weird situation. Just a minute ago, I was all angry and hurt. Now I just stood there. Niall walked up to me in slow steps and just took me in his arms. I wasn't sure if that was right. Niall's words still hurted me. So I didn't give him a hug back at first. My hands still clasped my bag and I stood there as before. Only Niall had his arms wrapped tightly around me. When I smelled his familiar scent and his cheek nestled against mine, I let go of my bag and dug my face into his shoulder. My hands touched his back and I knew it was right to stay with him, even though his words hurted me. It always felt right to be with him.

Thank u guys so much for all the readers. I'm really happy about that. Please give me feedback and follow the story if you want. You can also follow me on instagram @purplepantsniall (i follow everyone back).

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