Chapter 4

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Niall's POV:

"So, where are you from and how long do you stay in London?" I asked Sarah after the starter.

"I'm from germany and I stay in London for four moths. Ema always told me that I should come here and visit her, so I did."                                                                                                                                        
"And how do you like london so far?"                                                                                                                          "I haven't  seen much of it until now, to be honest. But I like what I've seen so far."                           
"I think we have to change that soon."

I had feeling, that the time went by super fast, because we were constantly talking. We got along really well and laughed together.

Sarah's POV:

Is this really happening. I'm scared that I fall for him to fast. He's such a great guy, but I'm scared to get hurt. He's probably just being nice to me and we'll never see each other again after tonight.

Like girls always do, Ema and I just went to the toilet quickly. "I see you can do well without me. I can't believe it Niall only has eyes for you."                                                                                                           
"I think he just tries to be polite. I mean he's super sweet, but think about how many women he could have. He would most likely break my heart."

"Even a blind person sees, that he thinks that you are really great." , "If you think." I tried not to think about it anymore.

As we walked back to the table I passed  Tara, who stood at the bar. "Hey everything alright?", she asked. "Yeah, everythings great, which drink are you ordering?", " A mochito, do you want one too?", "Yeah ,thanks."

"I see you and Niall get along well. I think he has an eye on you."                                                                  
"I don't  think so, he's just frindly." Oh man, she's the second person to tell me that. I felt a little uncomfortable about it.

"I know him. He's not the kind of person who has five different girls per month. He's loyal.", she told me as we were walking back to the table and I had the feeling that she's really telling the truth. We also talked about meeting on thursday, so she can show me a bit of london.

After we finished dessert, which was delicious, Ema explained that she would sleep at Tom's place. She hugged me and gave me the keys for her apartement. At first I was a bit scared, because I was alone now. Not really alone but it still felt a bit strange beeing with people I only knew since today. But I felt comfortable after a short period of time.

I talked with Niall about my home in germany, and how Ema and I first met, which is actually a pretty fun story. We both had piano lessons with the same teacher, but not at the same time. Ema was always twenty minutes too early, so she always listened to me because I still had class.

Niall's POV:

I started to like her evon more, because she has everything I want in a woman. I knew I couldn't avoid that I would fall for her. I didn't know what was going on inside my head, I only knew her since a couple hours.

"I think it's time for me to go. Thank's again for the invitation."

"No problem.", I was very sad that she wanted to go home. I want to spend every possible minute with her. She said goodbye to everyone and hugged Tara and me. I didn't want to let go of her. I didn't know how I can already think that, but I never wanted to let go of her.

I didn't know how to feel. It was crazy. But I was also scared. Maybe she doesn't even like me, or the fact that I'm in public ruins everything. That happened before.

"You really like her. At first I wasn't sure, but you haven't been yourself since you met her." Tara is not only my assistant, she is one of my closest friends, so she obviously knows what's going on. "Yeah I like her." ,was the only thing I replied.

"Why is she still standing outside, it's been ten minute since she got outside.", I asked Tara but she only shrugged her shoulders. So I said goodbye and made sure that Tara comes home.

"Hey what's wrong, why are you standing here since ten minutes. Don't you feel cold?"

"I actually called a taxi. They said it would be here in five minutes, but it didn't show up.", since I saw that she was shaking because she was so cold, I immediately gave her my jacket.                      

"I was just about to leave, I can take you home, if that's ok."                                                                             "If that's really not a problem, it would be really nice."                                                                             
"No petal, it doesn't bother me, I'm happy to spend more time with you."

I wanted to spend all of my time with her, but I didn't know if it would be right to ask her if she wants to come with me. But I had the feeling that she is a person who can't take anything wrong and I would have been annoyed afterwards, if I hadn't asked.

"Sarah?"                                                                                                                                                                                     "Yeah Niall?", she looked at me a bit questionable as we walked to my car.                                               "Maybe you find it inappropriate, but I wanted to asked if you maybe want to come with me. I really like you."

She looked a bit confused, so I was scared what she would say.

Sarah's POV:

Did that really just happen. Did he really asked to come with him? I knew it was going to be a special time in london but I didn't imagine something like this. I was a bit shoked, I didn't know what to say. I mean I really like him too, but I'm not that kind of girl that goes into bed with any random guy, I met a couple hours before. But Niall wasn't any guy. He was special, not because he's famous. Because of his way, because I can be with him just as I am.

"Yeah, alright.", I said what felt like hours later and I saw his face relax again. He looked so relieved that I had to start laughing. As we got to his car, he opened the door for me.

"What do you want to listen?", he asked me. But I didn't really know what to say and somehow we talked so much, that we dindn't realize that no music was playing. He told me about all the cities that he travelled to, and also very personal stuff about his family. He almost started crying while he was explainig, that it's hard for him to don't see the family for such a long time and the pressure in the media.

As he mentioned his music, I confessed that I only heard a couple of his songs. But it didn't bother him. After we got into the house he showed me all of the rooms. As we were in his living room, I noticed that I forgot to write a message to Ema. I only wrote: I'm staying somewhere else, so don't  be surprised if I'm not at your apartment.

The answer was hilarious: whatt ahhhhh ommmggg. I don't want to speak like like your mother, but be careful. If you're happy, I'm too.

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