15| Of Inheritance And Documents

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"Good Evening," I say and slide my token of inheritance across the counter. The room the men picked to meet in is under the company I inherited from Aiderall.

The receptionist eyes widen as she looks back at me.

"Miss," she says bowing her head. I smile.

"Room 43 on floor number 5," I say, "I need its card."

She nods and checks the system, "it's a booked room."

"I know," I say, "please give the card, keep this conversation between us."

"Yes, miss," she says handing me the key card. I slip my token back into my pocket and leave to the elevator.

I had checked beforehand the details regarding the reservation of the room. It was a luxury suite, its highlight being the large square meeting room equipped with the finest furniture and a full set of refreshments. The room was reserved on a long-term booking which meant it would regularly be cleaned for bugs.

As I open the door, I remove the cameras and listening bugs from my back bag. I place them in optimum positions, one on the gold rim of a lamp and the other above the central ac control pad. Just before I leave the room, I roll two remote controlled sleeping gas explosives under the sofas just in case I need them.

I leave the room and a go to the adject room to set up my laptop so I can see and hear. The doors of room 43 open and exactly 12 30 and it fills up with people almost instantly.

As their faces come into view, I curse. All of them wear black bandanas to cover the lower part of their faces and I cannot differentiate their features. It takes some time for them to settle and to begin talking about the symbol.

"Where's prince Alias," someone asks as he pours wine for the others.

"No idea."

"I heard Asgard killed him for killing her boyfriend," someone else says.

"She really is a nuisance, if it weren't for the fact boss won't let us kill her I would do it personally."

I sigh and adjust the laptop on my lap. This is the second time; I am hearing about a boss not wanting to hurt me.

"She was first in our class," another person says, "she's smart, I told boss yesterday if we don't kill she'll definitely hurt us."

"Ah, so what did boss say?"

"That if she did anything else, we can kill her. He actually said he'd kill her."

A couple of people laughed like they couldn't believe there boss would do that. I bit my lip and rested my head on the sofa, listening to the casual conversation about me.

"Ah yes," someone said, "I nearly forgot, all the transactions on these documents must be erased from the system."

I looked to the screen, my eyes latching on the stack of papers changing hands. Suddenly I felt glad that I had put the explosive sin the room. As they continued talking, I fished the remote control form my back bag and not giving second thought pressed the button.

There was a hiss as the explosives uncapped and I could see the faint air uncurl from under the sofa.

"Hey, what's that," someone said as the misty some reached knee level. There was a flurry of speech as the people in room stood. I changed tabs on my laptop, accessing the rooms electricity system and shutting down. Turning tabs back to the camera, I activated the night-light of the cameras so I could see in the dark. All of them struggle din the dark, a few of them already asleep from the gas.

I turned off my laptop and wore a face mask and night goggles before leaving to room 43. I was silent as I entered. No one noticed me as I walked past them, heading straight towards the stack of documents. I sifted through them quickly before stacking them safely in my jacket. As I walked past the people, I stifle the need to pull the bandana off, knowing that if I do so, I wouldn't be able to leave the room with the papers.

As the door of room 43 clicks behind me, I take out the papers and study them. My fingers shake as I flip the pages. Though I can't understand clearly the information recorded, I know it contains deeds that will lead me directly to the culprits.


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