8| Of Flaws And Connections

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In the past two years there have been 21 cases including Yuxon's in which the symbol of RafiQue had been seen. As different Agents explain the significance of the symbol in their cases, I can't help but point out major flaws in their thesis's.

By the end of two hours, I have answered more questions and connected more dots than all the agents combined have done in five years. Agent McWell wears a shocked expression every time I point something out and though I feel like not helping, I persist in the need to find Yuxon's killer.

Agent Revone finishes explaining and salutes before he leaves. Only Agent McWell, I and a few other agents are left in the room.

"So how do you think Yuxon's case connects," Agent McWell asks.

I pause and think. All mentioned cases had a connection to royalty. Either it was a royal that was killed or defeated, or a royal was the one committing the crime. But Yuxon had never killed a royal and as far as I have investigated, he never took orders from royals. He despised them.

"I am not sure of any connection," I say. I know everything about Yuxon but as I rack my brain, I cannot find anything of importance.

"I am aware of all-." I say but pause as Yuxon's face comes into my mind.

The Agents watch me as my eyes dart back and forth as I recall the day I captured Yuxon. It was three days ago.

I had already clasped two hand cuffs and was going to place a third on his forearms when Yuxon had looked to me and smiled. Though an assassin, one could never describe his smile as cold. It was always warm, and his teeth always reflected whatever light present.

"Little girl," he has said. I had allowed him to continue talking knowing that even if I asked him to stop, he would not do so.

"You've been a worthy opponent," he had said, "But you're playing with fire."

"Is that so," I had responded coolly.

"You don't know of it yet, but I will tell you, maybe later or maybe during trial or maybe you'll never know if I'm gone before that."

"You will be guarded in prison," I had said, "You will not escape."

He had smiled and shaken his head, "Little girl, keep me safe won't you."

I had responded by pulling his cuffs a little tighter, "You will have the rest of your life to feel regret."

"How do you feel regret if the decisions were more than just yourself," he had muttered. I had pretended not to hear but now how could I not forget.

"Agent Asgard," McWell calls. I turn to him.

"I will contemplate on the case and try to find a connection," I say. But as I turn away, my lips purse at the implication of what Yuxon could have actually meant.

I close the door behind me, roughly estimating the number of royalty and nobles all having titles. There were at least a thousand of them and the number could reach up to five thousand.

I think for a moment then call mother.


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