5| Of Doubt And Instinct

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I flip the page and skim the index for any familiar words. Aiderall lay asleep beside me, his head rested on the table. I quickly sneak a look at him before turning back to the book. The both of us had been awake for the most part of the night and day and had looked through a good portion of all the books regarding symbolism.

"Astraea," Aiderall mumbles as his eyes blink fiercely, his hand rubbing his neck.

"Hmm," I respond. He stretches his arms, removing my jacket form his back and returning it to me.

"Find anything."

I shake my head. He sighs and takes another look at the sheet of paper I had sketched the symbol image onto. His head tilts as he studies the paper.

"What if I am poking at the wrong lead," I ask gnawing on my bottom lip.

Aiderall smiles and sets the paper down, "What other lead do you have."

"Nothing," I say having already considered the possibility.

Aiderall thinks for a moment before he responds, "Are you confused about the symbol itself or the fact Yuxon was murdered."

I do not respond.

"Asgard," he mutters taking my hands into his, "Which one is it."

"The second," I respond stiffly not meeting his gaze.

"What does your heart tell you, "he asks the question in a manner like he already knows the answer.

I meet his gaze, "He was murdered."

"Well then," he says tipping my chin upward, "You have your answer."

I smile removing my hand from his and brushing away the pink hair falling into his face.

"But" I say still caressing his hair, "how am I supposed to find out what the symbol means."

He pauses for a moment and I see a resigned glare in his eyes before he responds, "Why don't you ask that rascal friend of yours."

I sigh, "You mean the king."

He nods resentfully and turns away.

"While I go do that, what will you do," I ask.

He grins, "what the point of money if you can't get what you want," he says, and I immediately glare at him.

"Do no do anything stupid," I say prodding his shoulder before standing up.

"Hey," he laughs puling me back down, "my reward."

I stare at his puckered lips and grin before I kiss his lightly. As I try to leave, he shakes his head and kisses me again, more forcefully. Hs lips curve into mine as my hands snake into his long hair. We kiss for a moment before I, with a sudden tug, pull his head back.

"Ouch," he moans staring up at me.

"I have things to do," I say moving to collect the books.

"Leave it," Aiderall mutters, "I'll do it,"

I stop and meet his gaze, the warmth of his lips still igniting mine. I am just about to leave when I turn back and smile.

"Tonight," I promise.

The last thing I see are those eyes of his, lighting up with anticipation as I leave the room.


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