6| Of Information And Comprehension

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I walk the length of the silken carpet, bowing as I reach the end.

"Your highness," I say glancing at the foot of the throne.

"Rise," King Lo'zde Beir says before asking all the members of the court to leave. I wait respectfully, lowering my eyes till everyone leaves. As the door shuts, my face breaks into a smile. The King stands form his throne and walks to me.

"You look dead," he smiles sitting on the steps leading to the throne. I nod.

"I've had so much work recently and you know, the whole Yuxon thing," I reply, sitting next to him.

"I'd thought you'd forgotten about me," he laughs ruffling my hair.

"I had," I say sarcastically.

A flash of hurt passes through his eyes and I avert my gaze. Our friendship w hic had begun the day mother enrolled me into the royal academy, had grown through our teenage tears and for the king had blossomed into something more than just friendship. My refusal to his proposal had broken the causal intimacy we once had.

"So," he smiles, "what is it that you need."

"Help," I say taking out the folded paper containing the symbol sketch and handing it to him. His head tilts as he studies it.

"Do you know wat it is," I ask. He nods and as he faces me, he looks concerned.

"What is it," I ask.

"This is the symbol of evil," he says. I echo his words.

"When anything of bad intention would take place, we would find this symbol engraved nearby," he explains and then shakes his head, "but it hasn't been seen for a long time, why do you have it."

I smile, "It's for a case, "I say not wiling explain anything else. He understands and returns the paper to me.

"I have books in the royal library regarding the symbol, I can lend them to you," he says.

"That'd be great."

"Stay for dinner," he asks. I am about to agree when I remember the promise, I had made Aiderall.

"Next time," I say.

He nods and stands. I feel his stare on me and when I turn to me see a touch of regret.

"Well then," I say, "I'll leave."

He nods and as I hug him, his arms feel a little too tight and his expression a little too regretful. As I leave the court all the official return. My phone rings and I answer it.

"Guess what I found out," Aiderall yells into the phone.

"Where did you find it," I ask, more worried about its acquirement than what was acquired.

"Shh," he mutters, "That's not important."

"Well then, what did you find, "I ask.

"Ughh," he says, "I don't know if i should tell you over the phone, I'll meet you at are usual spot."

"Okay," I mutter.

Within five minutes, I reach the room. The corridor is dark, but I feel an uneasy warning spark in me as I open the door and make my way towards Aiderall who hasn't noticed me yet.

I kick him in the shin, and he turns around, a splitting grin on his face.

"You took your time," he says pulling me down. I scan the table, shocked at all the books open, each with a symbol printed don it.

I turn to him and jab him, "where did you get these." He grins.

"Aiderall," I say warningly preparing to twist his arm.

He rolls his eyes, "from the restricted section of the Agents library, I just borrowed them, don't kill me," he says in a quick breath. I pinch him.

"I told you not to do anything stupid."

He grans trying to remove my hand, "but I found information."

"And I got information form Lo'zde," I say as I remove my hand.

Aiderall rolls his eyes and mutters something.

"What information did you get," I ask trying to read a book.

"The sign represents underlying evil," he says, "it used to be imprinted whenever some crime took place. Back then when people saw the sign, they would panic so bad. But what I really found shocking was the fact it represented royalty."

I froze, "Lo'zde didn't tell me that."

"Huh," Aiderall asks.

"What do you mean royalty?"

"The sign was created by a group of royals who abused their power, Accordingly King Rhodes eliminated its usage and executed every member of the group."

I bit my lip. King Rhodes was Lo'zde's Grandfather.

"So why is it here," I ask.

Aiderall shrugs, "that's the limit of my brain usage, read the books."

I check the time and shake my head, reaching to close the books. Aiderall catches my hand.

"What are you doing," he asks, "I am not going to return them until you read them."

I meet his gaze, gently shrugging of his hand, "Lets go home and sleep."

"Aiderall's brows furrow, "why? You can finish this and then come home."

"I can do this tomorrow."

He stares confused and then a moment later grins, shaking his head, "Are you for real."

I lean forward and press a kiss on his jaw.

"As much as i would love to Asgard," he says, "You have to do this first."

I give him a look,

He laughs, "look at me, being all responsible. Find who killed your precious Yuxon. We have all the time in the world."

"He is not y Yuxon," I mutter.

"Tell that to your assassin mother."

"Aiderall," I hiss punching his abdomen He catches my fist and pulls me towards him.

He laughs as he kisses me, his hands roping around my waist and pressing me flush against his body. My finger clench at the fabric of his jacket, trying to keep myself steady.

"If you want me to stay and work," I mutter breathlessly, "stop kissing me."

He grins and pecks my lips once more, "who would have thought that Agent Asgard could get so bothered."

I am too overwhelmed to respond. Aiderall stands and laughs.

"I love you," he says and leaves.

Once I hear the door close, I wipe my lips and rub my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Concentrate," I mutter as I pull the first text toward me.


Of Minds And Souls | ONC 2021Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora