1| Of Words And Action

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My name thunders in the air and I feel my jaw square as I stand. Aiderall, beside me, nods offering a small smile.

The buckles of my boots clunk as I walk, cameras around me flash and hands shove their microphones past the barrier, trying to get closer to me. I ignore it.

"Special Agent, Astraea Flynn Asgard," the royal advisor says. I meet his eyes, the details of his appearance soaking into me.

"On behalf of his royal majesty, I would like to award you this medal for the capture of Yuxon," he says turning to his right and flipping the glass lid of a box. The ring on his finger glints in the sunlight, allowing the design of the raised imprint to gleam.

"Please," he asks, removing the gold-plated metal, and holding it out. I nod and a second later lower my neck allowing him to ease the medal on.

He nods and turns back to the audience of officials and media personnel, "The trial will go forth in an hour, in the meantime, Yuxon will held in the palace's personal prison. We thank Special Agent Asgard once more for her efforts and we await eagerly for the trail hour to arrive. Thank you."

The Royal advisor turns to me and smiles, the sides of his eyes crinkling. I do not return it.

The security begins to hound the reporters away from the scene as I walk down the stairs. I pause on the fourth step and turn to look at the men still on the stage. They seem to be talking casually yet I latch on to the tension in their jaws and the behaviour of worry in their tells.

"Astraea, chill won't you."

I turn back and glare at Aiderall, whose grin is still beaming bright. He rolls his eyes, tugging my hands apart before looping an arm into his.

"I will not chill till Yuxon is in prison, I have a bad feeling," I say turning to him. He laughs and pulls my arm towards him and before I can push him away, kisses me.

I push him away, "Aiderall," I hiss, "How many times must I tell you, not at work."

He smiles and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb, "You've captured him, a criminal. You've been working on this case for eight years. Chill for an hour. We'll go out and then we can roll into the courtroom."

I stare at him, a reluctant smile coming to my lips. He shakes his head earnestly and I open my mouth to respond when a man in the corner motions at me.

"Agent Asgard," he calls. I stop walking as he jogs over to me.

"I need a favour," he says.

"I do not do favours," I say eyeing him unbutton his blazer. His hands fall to the side.

I sigh, "You might as well button your blazer back up."

"Sorry," he says raising his brows. His hands rest on his hip, so that his blazer pulls back just enough for me to catch a glimpse of his gun. Aiderall beside me chuckles removing his arm from mine.

"Here's my firearm, sir," I say, lifting the back of my jacket.

"Are you threatening me," he asks incredulously, dropping his hand from his hip.

"You do not have my trust and nor am intimidated by you," I said motioning to his blazer and his gun, "I will give you no favours."

He sighs and rubs his forehead, "Look," he says but does not speak after.

"I am waiting," I say.

"I apologize, we got off on the wrong foot," he says, "just hear me out, I need your help. Just a statement from you claiming that my firm is legit. The people consider you a hero, they will believe you".

I finger my wristwatch and shake my head, "We did not get off on the wrong foot, your usual tactics just didn't work, and I will not confirm that your firm is legit when it is not," I say, "good day to you, sir."

"But" he says trying to grab my arm. I glare at him and then wait to the side as he talks to Aiderall.

The man mutters something and Aiderall laughs.

"I will not interfere in her decision," Aiderall says looking in my direction, and then pauses for a second before turning back to the man, "claiming that my firm is legit, right."


"That's what you said isn't it," Aiderall asks.


"You said 'claiming, your slip of tongue, your firm isn't legit," Aiderall says before turning around and walking back to me.

"You caught on," I grin.

"I did," he says, kissing my cheek, "I ain't that bad."

"No," I smile, just for a second appreciating his presence.

"So, shall we go out," I ask. I glance at his lips and then shrug.

"Yeah, why not," I mutter, "But wait, mother will meet me in a few minutes."

"Great, the assassin comes," Aiderall said pulling me to nearest table. I kick him.

"Don't say that in public."

"I can't kiss you and I can't talk about your weird yet wicked assassin mother," he whines, "I can't do anything in public."

"No, you cannot," I say as my wristwatch vibrates as the clock strikes twelve.



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