7| Of Attacks And Organizations

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Three hours pass and I grow more confused. Though I understand the history and meaning of the symbol, I don't understand why Lo'zde failed to mention the connection the symbol had with royalty. Probably embarrassed was the only reason I could think of.

I bring another book closer to me to compare results when the lights click off.

I freeze.

My hands reach for the dagger in my jacket, clutching the hilt as I stand. I make my way to the light switch when I catch a sudden whiff of lemongrass. I grab at the air in front of me, my eyes scrutinizing the darkness. I look to the line of light entering the room through the window and I catch sight of two figures.

I explode into action. My dagger flies in the air and buries into flesh. Two hands grab at me and I pull away, using the wall to deflect them. I hear a crack and a moan, but it barely registers as my limbs move to defend myself against the other attackers.

I am no longer aware of how many people I am fighting but I am sure it is more than five.

"Annania," I say as my finger skim over a familiar scar on my attacker's neck. The attacker pauses and I use that moment to fling her away.

"Stop," a voice says. I do not.

But then the lights turn on. My breathing is heavy as I scan the room. There are 15 Agents laying on the floor and I recognise most of them. I turn around to the voice that asked me to 'stop'.

"Agent McWell," I say recognising him, "why did you attack me."

He meets my glare, "My intention was to drug you and take you to talk."

"Why not speak face to face, we both know each other."

"To talk without knowing my identity," he says.

I stare at him, "why?"

"The symbol of RafiQue," he says and though I have not heard of the term, I know hat he is referring to, "I's books are in your possession."

I do not speak.

"The symbol though not been seen by the public for many years, has been spotted in many high-profile cases. We are a specific group of Agents grouped to deal with the elimination of the group using the symbol."

He pauses as if he expects me to respond. I just stare.

"Now that the symbol has appeared b Yuxon's case and you are investigating it, we would like to join forces."

I tilt my head and pull out a chair and sit on it. My eyes do not leave him.

"Why take a gamble with me?"

"You are one of the bets gents ever introduced, you are smart, agile and well-connected."

More than you know, I think.

"I decline your offer," I say. He ignores me.

"And most of all you have a compelling reason to stay loyal - Yuxon."

I stare at him. His eyes become warm though I know it is not genuine. I sigh and I accept.


Of Minds And Souls | ONC 2021Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ