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She's coming, they said.

In the court of Psyedon, these two words had the power to halt the winds; shall it have had annoyed her. Every mouth was silenced, every robe and gown straightened, every surface dusted with all objects placed in order. This all happened in a matter of seconds like the inanimate objects themselves in fear had done so.

A melody began to play, enchanting. There were no faults with the artist nor any lack of confidence for his voice did not even waver as the doors of the palace flew open. Every breath in the hall silenced as the first ruby-jewelled heel of the Queen came into view.

The music deepened and the front of the dress appeared like molten gold accompanied by the second heel thudding onto the marble floor. Most kept their eyes on her shoes, but some dared to look higher.

To the rest of her meticulously tailored gown that though hugged her figure, no doubt carried a great deal of hidden weapons. They looked to her hair, their fingers itching to comb through the luscious locks, though knowing well that the magnificent crown atop her head could kill them from a couple metres away.

Their Queen walked luxuriously with no fear in her step nor impatience for she had nothing to lose yet had nothing to gain either.

The pace of the music sped up, creating a dramatic slope as she walked up the three steps and then dropped as she sat atop her throne. The people fell to their knees, bowing with a mixture of respect and fear. Not many dared to look into her eyes but there were rumours of those who did.

Brown, they said, rimmed with black. Could lure the most moral and responsible into committing evil. Could make you fall in love if stared at for a second too long. Too deep of secrets. Had a depth so horrific, one might be able to catch a glimpse of her dark soul.

Not many knew the truth though but then not many were eager to know it.

A moment later, the Queen tapped her chair, and the people arose and still facing the ground, nodded their heads in respect before they went about their affairs.

For all of them knew that their Queen was a fair woman.

But a good woman?

No, their Queen was anything but.

Of Minds And Souls | ONC 2021Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu