19| Of Guilt And Lists

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As I enter the café, X'olin requested we meet in, I see him sat beside the window. His face brightens and he stands as he sees me.

"Agent Asgard," he says. Something about his aura makes me comfortable and I nod my head.

"You can call me Astraea," I say, and he smiles asking me to sit.

"Who are you," I ask not bothering to ask the question kindly. He smiles.

"X'olin Bower,' he says. I raise a brow and he grins, "if your question is how I am related to Yuxon, I can be more specific to you needs."

I stare at him.

"I am Yuxon's son."

I continue staring at him and he sighs pulling out a photo. I take it and though I had suspected some sort of relationship between Yuxon and X'olin, the picture surprises me. Yuxon has his arm round X'olin, a huge smile on his face.

I do not know what to think except that I am sure that I had misjudged Yuxon and that I was about to find out the truth.

"Tell me," I say.

X'olin smiles, "you must know that I do not hate you."

I nod.

"My father worked for the royalty under a certain group I do not know the name of. They threatened dad to work for him using me and Mother. Back in our homeland, our family was starving and abused so dad brought us to Psyedon as refugees. Father did a few odd jobs for a few royals for us to survive but then they asked for murder. Dad tried to refuse but they threatened him with us."

As I listen, I feel unexpected guilt rise in me. What he did is bad but then was he really guilty if he was coerced.

"He had no choice but to listen to the orders."

I am clenching my teeth so hard; it begins to hurt. I look at X'olin's soft features.

"You- you don't hate me," I ask. He shakes his head.

"Dad always said you were trying to do what was best for Psyedon and that once you found out the truth, you'd do anything to find those who actually committed the crime."

I nod.

"So now Yuxon's dead, they set you free?"

"They have no need for us, and they don't know that I know what dad's actual job was."

I begin to speak but his phone rigs and he excuses himself. When he comes back he has an apologetical smile on his face.

"I have to go, I am sorry," he says.

"X'olin," I call out to him before he leaves. He meets my gaze, "I am sorry," I say and though I do not know how to express my sincerity, I see he understands.

After he leaves, I sit for a couple minute before leaving for my apartment.

It is the first time since Aiderall died that I am walking into my apartment. The ghost of a couple ligers within. Two mugs still in the sink, the male and female clothes thrown on the bed as we decided what to wear as we got ready that morning. The smell of cologne and hair spray mix in the bathroom.

My breathing becomes shallow, and I bit my lip in an effort to control myself. Walking to my wardrobe, I open it and take out the white chiffon dress I wore the day I met Aiderall.

As I change into it, I call my chauffeur and ask him to arrive at my apartment in ten minutes. I take my tiara and am putting it into a matching purse when my phone begins to ring.

"Hello," I answer it.

"Miss Asgard," Mother's man responds, he sounds stressed.

"The ID number you sent belongs too Sir Harold Revaloin."

I clench my fists as he continues, "According to your instructions, I investigated his ID history. He commonly logs into a particular website. I wouldn't have thought it as suspicious, but it was encrypted with the latest technology. I found multiple ID users of the website who all are suspicious of being members of group you are looking for."

"And the names are," I ask.

"I have sent them to you," he says, "and Miss Asgard, Prince Alias is on that list."

"Is there anything else," I ask.

"Yes, Miss, I have only managed to uncover a few identities, I will complete the rest of them now."

I thank him and check the list.

My fingers clench the rim of the sink as I scroll down the list. These names are of high officials who were awarded great titles, these names are of people who were meant to protect Psyedon. I am not even surprised as Agent McWell's name shows on the list.

There are only 23 names mentioned, the rest of 39 names ae listed as ID numbers. I skim over the names one last time before I turn of my phone.

I look up at the mirror. My eyes are dark and sad as I take a deep breath to calm down. I leave the bathroom, pick up my purse and leave the apartment. I am going to meet Lo'zde.


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