Chapter 7 - The Chill and The Warmth

Start from the beginning

"Where are you two from?" Armin asked Bertholdt and Reiner. I already knew the answer to that, but I guess Eren and Armin hadn't spoken with them as much as I.

As Bertholdt elaborated on the tale of that day from his perspective, it made me realize that for all I know, maybe we weren't so different after all. The horror Bertholdt felt at perceiving a Titan outside his window was a similar feeling we had all experienced. We were in this together. We were soldiers and comrades.

"All right," Reiner exclaimed after Bertholdt had finished. "We'll help you." He looked at Bertholdt who nodded in approval. Reiner tilted his head towards me and gave me a quick, small grin. I smiled back.

As we climbed down the ladder, I made sure this time that I was the first to go down. After all, I still wore that damn skirt. The guys grabbed their cloaks and lanterns from their bunks in preparation for the chilly outdoors. Realizing it was colder than when I had first been outside, I remembered leaving my cloak back at the girls quarters.

"Hey guys, I need to go grab my cloak. It's a bit chilly outside so I think I might need it," I said as I turned to leave the men's quarters.

"It's ok, [Y/N]. I think I have a spare cloak. You can wear it," Reiner said as he shuffled through his drawer. For the millionth time that day, my cheeks tingled with warmth. In Reiner's drawer, the clothes were not folded at all. They were scattered around, messy, and flung about. If I ever came back into the men's quarters, maybe I could quickly tidy things up... 

When Reiner finally found his spare cloak, he gestured for me to turn around and threw it over my shoulders. His arms wrapped around me carefully from behind as he gently buttoned the cloak at my neck. I looked up behind me, seeing his eyes focused on fastening my cloak. Then, our eyes met. Say something, I thought.

"Well, I guess we should head out," I said, moving forward hastily to the entrance of the men's quarters. My heart was racing. He was so close.

Stepping outside, the chilly air brought goosebumps to my legs. Again, I regretted having chosen a skirt, which wasn't the normal attire I chose to wear on a day-to-day basis. Back at my quarters, the girls were all quite set on getting me to wear one, so I figured I might as well.

Reiner and the others exited the men's quarters and began to head towards the pine trees at the edge of camp. Bertholdt began to go ahead with Eren and Armin. They were invested in their own conversation, Bertholdt telling them why he and Reiner had joined the cadets. Reiner seemed uninterested, and instead walked near me, behind them, and at a slower pace.

"[Y/N]," Reiner said. "I want to talk to you about something." I turned to him, raising a brow. Besides a drop of sweat on his cheek, his face wasn't any different from his usual expression. He seemed hesitant in his speech, perhaps anxious. As we walked, I began to wonder; what was on his mind?

"Do you... well uh..." Reiner couldn't seem to shape his words. "I mean–" He paused once more. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry," he finally blurted out. I had a feeling about what he was referring to, but had the irresistible desire to tease him anyway.

"Sorry for what? Looking up my skirt? Or maybe avoiding me all day?" Reiner's eyes lit up as he tilted his brow and steered clear of my gaze. 

"I did not look up your skirt!" He was lying through his teeth, but I'd let it slide. "And yes, I am sorry for avoiding you all day..." Suddenly his tone was serious and genuine, "but I mainly wanted to apologize for leaving so abruptly this morning. It's just that..." He took a moment to look at me and there were hints of admiration in his smile, perhaps something more. "You're different from anyone else I've met. Back home, I never knew anyone like you. To be honest, it kinda scared me. I didn't really know what to make of you at first. After leaving the mess hall this morning, I realized there was nothing to be scared of. In fact, I'd like to get to know you more."

"Oh my, Mr. Big Brawny Guy, I'm a little too young to get married–" I replied sarcastically. In truth, I was gushing with joy that it was even a consideration in his mind – that he wanted to get to know me. He smiled and playfully nudged my shoulder, gesturing for me to quit it. I covered my mouth as I laughed my embarrassingly loud laugh.

"Listen," He began, "maybe you and I can go through this together; let's feel free to work together and help each other out. What do you think?" Reiner spoke and for a moment it was as though our thoughts were intertwined. Reiner took the words straight from my lips.

"I'd love that," I said simply, as I regarded his hazel eyes looking into mine. We had forgotten about Eren, about Bertholdt, about Armin. It seemed as though we were lost in a feeling, and we didn't want to be found. Although, after a moment, sadly, we were found.

"Hey, you two!" Yelled Eren. "Quit lagging behind!" Of course, classic egocentric Eren had returned! Whatever look of desperation and pleading Eren had on his face prior to our excursion, had obviously faded.

Reiner and I sped up to the others. We both realized that while we were laughing and lightly nudging each other, Bertholdt had been speaking about he and Reiner's plan to join the military police. As we listened on, I turned to see Reiner's face fill with a grim look. I was startled by the sudden change of expression.

"I just want to return to the hometown I lost. When I came here, that's all I had left to go on." Reiner's scowl became more menacing and his tone more harsh. "I'm going back. No matter what." As I looked at him, for a moment I felt chills run down my spine. It was possibly only the cold, or perhaps what he had said affected me so. I wasn't too sure of it myself. Although, now, I knew why he was so determined. Now I knew his goal, yet I felt something was still missing.

He mentioned his hometown before, about how different it was compared to other places within the walls. If that was his true motivation for pushing forward, I'd help him return to the best of my abilities. Reiner would return to his hometown, and I'd find out the truth to all of this, the truth to all our losses and pain.

As we arrived at our destination, my eyes gazed at the premises in wonder. The beautiful moonlit water, the tall pine trees encompassing the pond until they reached the mountains at the far side. It was as though my soul left my body in that instant. Shiganshina never before looked that beautiful on a starlit night.

Reiner encouraged Eren, telling him that he believed in him and that he could successfully balance the ODM gear. Bertholdt and Armin led Eren over to some tall pine trees. It was the perfect terrain for ODM gear training. Reiner began to follow after them, but turned and stopped in his tracks when he noticed I wasn't following. I was too focused on the scenery in front of me.

"Reiner." I said, my voice drifting away as though in a dream.

"Yes?" He replied intently from afar.

"One day... do you think you could take me to your hometown?" I didn't look at him in that moment, my eyes were fixated on the scene below, even as my thoughts swirled.

"If you want, I will," He spoke in a hushed voice. 

For a moment, neither of us spoke as we listened to the rustle of the leaves, and felt the wisps of our hair blow in the breeze. I then heard Reiner's footsteps draw nearer to me, and I felt the presence of his body as he stood so close. Unexpectedly feeling the touch of his hand upon my shoulder, I quivered. 

"I promise you, I will," He said quietly once more. Feeling his gaze on me, and his breath on my neck, I was given a sense of security and a sense of warmth.

Hope you guys are enjoying the fanfic so far! As much as I like this chapter and the ones before it, I feel like the best chapters are the upcoming ones, so stay tuned and keep reading! <3

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