Chapter 3

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Here we go, finally getting to the interesting part

⚠️ Warning⚠️  Momojirou Ansgt
¿Character Death?

3rd person POV-

It was a quiet Thursday afternoon at the UA dorms. Everyone in the common room playing games and goofing around, all except for two, Kyoka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu. The couple could be found in Momo's dorm enjoying each other's presence, until Kyoka broke the comfortable silence...

Momo POV-

"Kitten?" I blushed at the pet name my partner had given my shortly after we started dating.

"Yes Kyo?"

"I'm going on a trip with my parents tomorrow, and I'll be leaving the dorms at 6 pm."

"Oh?" I questioned slightly curios.
"Where are going and when will you be back" I asked her hoping it wouldn't be too long before I saw her again.

"Oh, since my parents are musicians, they want me to go with them to some fancy party, so I'll be out of town, and it's just a two day trip I'll be back before you know it." She said that last part with a smile and that smile warmed my heart.

I suddenly got an idea.

"Please don't go Kyo I'm gonna miss you!" I said in the most innocent voice I could muster while I forced tears out of my eyes and buried my head in her neck.

She immediately turned to me and started to panic. She slowly regained her composure and responded.

"If I have, to I'll tell my parents I won't go, I'll never do anything to make you sad, even if it means turning down my parents." She said with a serious look on her face. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't help be laugh at how serious she looked and I kissed her to snap her out of her confused trance.

"Why are you laughing?"

"K-Kyo I-I was j-just kidding!" I said in between laughs.

She crossed her arms and pouted which made be laugh even more. God I love this girl.

-Time skip to when Kyoka is leaving-

Kyoka POV-

I hugged her tighter than I ever have before.

"See you soon kitten."

See you soon Kyo..."

And with that I was off, My Dad driving, my Mom in the passenger seat and myself in the back on my phone scrolling through the photos of the album name "My lovely Girl".
Yeah yeah whatever, I know I already missed her but it's not my fault she just has this affect on me ok?

——time skip 45 mins——
Still on the road btw

We stopped at a store to get so snacks for the rest of the journey ahead. I insisted on staying in the car to prevent it from being stolen little did I know that it was the biggest mistake of my life...

Less that a minute after my parents, still on my phone, I saw a bright light up ahead I looked to to see what it was, I noticed it was getting brighter and closer by the second...

'A car...'

By the time I realized what was headed my way it was too late.


Momo POV-

——back at the dorms——

I lay on my bed staring up at my ceiling. 'Ugh. I'm so lonely and bored without Kyoka. I wonder what she is doing now.' I slowly got out of my dorm and headed to the common room to make myself some tea. I was in the middle of a conversation with Shoto when Mr. Aizawa burst trough the door.

"Hospital now." He said with a face filled with sadness and worry.

Eventually we all made it to the hospital and Mr. Aizawa went to the front desk I sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room while my classmates and I wondered why we were here.

"Maybe Eri's quirk is out of control again." Kirishima suggested but was shut down that idea when we saw Present Mic walk through the doors with Eri in his arm.

'Why could we possibly be here?' I asked myself, then all of a sudden I heard Mr. Aizawa shout.


I turned to my classmates who had obviously hear that. We all looked at each other in shock. Even Bakugou was panicking, he genuinely worried because Kyoka was like a sister to him, but the only thing that ran through my mind at the moment was...

'Oh no...'

Welp that's it for this chapter, hopefully I didn't disappoint. I'm not very good at sad stuff.

779 words

~Your left shoe

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