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Tsubaka walked back to the dorm rooms in UA, making his way up the elevator to his room. He pushed up his new glasses, walking past him room and to the room next to him. Pursing his lips he lifted a hand, knocking on the door.

"I'm coming in." He said, pushing open the door as the light from the hallway illuminated the room.

Tracing his eyes around the room until they landed on a figure sitting with his back facing him in front of a wall. Tsubaka sighed, walking inside, closing the door behind him and taking a seat on the bed, a few feet away from the figure.

A moment of silence engulfed them as the only sound that could be heard was the silent rustling of the trees outside. Tsubaka inhaled softly, opening his mouth, "I saw her today...."

He was returned with silence. Tsubaka sighed, leaning back on his hands, looking up at the ceiling. "You should go see her...... she doesn't have much time left..... The doctors said at most until tomorrow night. Seiji-senpai said that he, Camie-senpai and Inasa are coming tomorrow."

Again he was met with silence and a single teardrop that hit the floor.

Tsubaka frowned slightly, finally deciding to turn his head to look at the figure.


"Get out."

Tsubaka fully turned his body to face him, "Hotaro you know this isn't your fault-"

"I said get out." His voice a bit more clear. "I.... I can't be around anyone right now...."

Tsubaka grimaced, "please, this is your last time to see her, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself-"

"How would you know that?!" He exclaimed, he hitched his breath, leaning the top of his head against the wall in front of him as tears flowed down his face, "you just don't get it."

"Hotaro, this isn't your fault

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"Hotaro, this isn't your fault. You had nothing to do with this you didn't know-"

"That's why!" He bit his bottom lip, staring down at the ground, "that's why... I didn't know. I didn't know anything. Nothing about my uncle, nothing about Eri, nothing about the organization. That's.......... that's why..."

"Hotaro." Tsubaka spoke, "You can't blame yourself, that was your uncle not you."

"No....." Hotaro whispered, "if I had known... If I had known just a little bit...... if I wasn't so hesitant... I-..." he inhaled sharply. "Not only is (y/n) dying but...... because of me my grandfather... he..."

Tsubaka placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hotaro..."

"I..... I heard from my mother..." Hotaro sniffled, "His conditions aren't stable and Chisaki was trying to find a way to help him.... but now he can't..... my mother's absolutely heartbroken..." he whispered.

Hotaro finally turned around to face Tsubaka, "how.... how many more people do I need to lose...? I betrayed my own family..... I..... I'm losing my grandfather, I'm losing my friend... How many more people?"

Repulsive (book 2) [BNHA Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now